Institut für Politikwissenschaft


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Departmental Seminar: Locked Out of Development: Insiders and Outsiders in Arab Capitalism

Steffen Hertog (London School of Economics and Political Science) at Wednesday, 7 June 2023, 16-18 h…

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Departmental Seminar: The State of Women and Leadership in the European Union

Henriette Müller (New York University Abu Dhabi, NYUAD) at Wednesday, 17.05.23 16 h c.t., IfP, Room…

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Departmental Seminar: The Political Economy of Russian Imperialism

Ivan Bakalov (Univ. Marburg), Wednesday 10. May 23, 16:15 - 18:00, IfP, Room 124 or via Zoom

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Departmental Seminar: Book Launch: Work and Alienation in the Platform Economy – Amazon and the Power of Organization

Sarrah Kassem, IfP, Wednesday, 3 May 2023, 16:15 - 18:00, IfP, Room 124 or via Zoom

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Vortrag "Perspektive Migration – Die Zukunft des deutschen Arbeitsmarkts"

Steffen Sottung, Geschäftsführung Internationales der Bundesagentur für Arbeit

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Departmental Seminar: The social rights of outsiders - Third country nationals as skilled workers and their dependants in the EU and the UK?

Traute Meyer (School of Economic, Social and Political Sciences, University of Southampton, UK),…

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Open Panel Debate: Conflict Resolution in Cyprus: Where To?

With Maria Hadjipavlou (University of Cyprus) and Ahmet Sözen (Eastern Mediterranean Univeristy) at…

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Departmental Seminar: Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders

Ayse Zarakol (University of Cambridge) at Wednesday, 25. January 2023, 16 h c.t., Room 124 or via…

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