
B320 Market Research


Prof. Dr. Dominik Papies

Course description: B320
Language: English
Recommended for this semester or higher: 4
ECTS-Credits: 9
Course can be taken as part of following programs/modules: International Economics
International Business Administration
Economics and Business Administration
Prerequisite for:


Prerequisites: ---
Course Type: Lecture (2 weekly lecture hours), Tutorial (2 weekly lecture hours)

Lecture: on Thursdays from 2 pm c.t. - 4 pm - (beginning April 25, 2019) - HS 23 Ku
on Tuesdays from 10 am c.t. - 12 am (PC lab, Nauklerstr. 47 ground floor)
on Tuesdays from 2 pm c.t. - 4 pm (PC lab, Nauklerstr. 47 ground floor)
on Thursdays from noon c.t. - 2 pm (HS 06 Neue Aula)
Students without own laptop have priority on Tuesdays. As no computers are available on Thursdays from 12 (noon) c.t. - 2 pm (HS 06 NA), students have to bring their own laptop. All tutorials start on April 30/May 2, 2019. All tutorials have the same content. Only the visit of one tutorial is compulsory.

Registration: Registration via ILIAS.
Downloads: ILIAS
Method of Assessment: Written Exam (60 minutes), two ungraded assignments required for admission
Exam timetables will be posted on the examination website.
Regular / Additional date: Please check the link above.

Students know how to conduct their own market research project, under which circumstances which data collection method is appropriate, and which method of data analysis is optimal in which situation. Students will also be aware of how to apply the knowledge they acquire in lecture and practice course to marketing research case studies. In the tutorials, students learn to use and apply R.


1. Data collection
2. Data Visualization
3. Data Analysis

Literature: Field, A., & Miles, J. (2012). Discovering Statistics Using R. London; Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications Ltd.