
Research Seminar on Marketing (B520) Master Seminar

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dominik Papies
Course description:


Language: English
Recommended for this semester or higher: 1
ECTS-Credits: 9
Course can be taken as part of following programs/modules: Economics and Finance
European Management
General Management
International Business
International Economics
Prerequisite for:


Prerequisites: ---
Limited attendance: 12
Course Type: Seminar

Friday, April 12, 2019, 9 s.t. - 12 pm (noon): Kick-Off and beginning of preparation time/topic assignment/Workshop "Academic Writing" - room 236 Neue Aula following Introduction to data analysis, PC Lab, Nauklerstr. 47 from 12.30 s.t.- 4 pm
Monday, May 6, 2019: Workshop "Presentation Skills": 9 am s.t. - 1 pm - room 236 Neue Aula
Friday, May 10, 2019: Research Plan Presentation: all day room 236 Neue Aula
Friday, June 21, 2019, 12 noon s.t.: Delivery of the term paper - Secretariat Chair of Marketing (room 110, 1st floor)
Monday, July 1, 2019: Feedback Session (Nauklerstr. 47) - Dates will be coordinated individually, all day
Thursday, July 11, 2019: Upload Presentation in ILIAS - 6 pm s.t.
Friday, July 12, 2019: Seminar (all day), room Gästehaus Uni Tübingen; Lessingweg 3 in 72076 Tübingen
The participation in all dates is mandatory. Please take this into account.


Application deadline for the Master Seminar by March, 8 2019.
Registration period (online in ILIAS) from February 4, 2019 - March 8, 2019 (8 pm s.t.). In case places become available after the official deadline, waiting-list candidates can be moved up.
Please attach to your application a current transcript detailing grades achieved to date (PDF file). The order of registration does not affect the allocation of places. More detailedd information can be found here (outline).

Downloads: ---
Method of Assessment: Presentation, Term Paper, Oral Participation
Content: Advanced topics from Marketing will be covered in this seminar. A detailled course description is available here.
Classification: Students will learn how to successfully analyze advanced marketing problems in a scientific thesis. Training of analytic and presentation skills will complement this class.
Literature: to be announced