

Corporate Health Award 2022: BeTaBalance belongs to the excellence class

Student health management at the University of Tübingen honored in the special "Healthy University" award

[Translate to Englisch:] Das Team des SGM BeTaBalance (von links nach rechts): Monika Teuber, Prof. Gorden Sudeck, Juliane Moll & Ingrid Arzbeger

The Student Health Management BeTaBalance of the University of Tübingen has made it into the excellence class in the Corporate Health Award Audit! In addition, it is one of the pioneers in the field of student health management at colleges and universities throughout Germany.

"This seal of quality shows that we at the University of Tübingen have built up student health management in recent years, which is becoming an increasingly significant component of study and teaching. The university management feels encouraged to continue supporting and promoting health-promoting structures and processes for students," says Chancellor of the University of Tübingen Dr. Andreas Rothfuß.

To read the article in attempto online, click here.
