
Registration and payment

  • The offers of the HSP vary with regard to the fee. The participation amounts can be found on the website of the HSP for the respective offers of the HSP. The payment of the participation fees is to be made exclusively by bank transfer to the listed account of the University of Tübingen.
  • The registration for a course offered by the HSP is binding and obligates the student to pay the stated participation fee. The course fee must be paid for each course individually.
  • Detailed information about the courses can be found on the HSP website (www.hsp.uni-tuebingen.de). Registration takes place online or after activation of the online registration in the HSP office. By registering for an offer, these conditions of participation are accepted.
  • The booking confirmation will be sent by e-mail to the specified e-mail address.
  • Within 3 working days after receipt of the booking confirmation, the stated participation fee for the booked offer must be transferred to the listed account of the University of Tübingen. The unique booking number and the surname and first name of the participant must be indicated on the transfer. If the transfer is not made on time, the right to participate in the offer or to the booked place will expire and the booking will be cancelled.
  • Only the specified purpose of use may be indicated. If another purpose is specified, this can lead to delays in the booking of the payment. If necessary, this can lead to the cancellation of the booking.
  • For the return transfer of late and incorrectly received payments, a processing fee of 5.00 euros will be retained.
  • After two cancellations of an offer, the participant will be blocked for online registration. Until further notice, the registration must then be made in person at the HSP office or the registration will be reactivated at the HSP office after payment of the outstanding amounts.
  • In principle, any number of course offers can be booked. This does not apply to course offers that contain the note "This course counts towards the 3-course rule" in the respective course description. For these course offers, a booking or participation limit of three course offers per person applies in the respective current course program. 
  • Only EC card payment is possible in the HSP office. There is no possibility of cash payment.
  • In-person registrations are only available after online enrollment begins during office hours at the HSP Service Office.
  • There is a very small chance that, due to the system, for courses with fewer than 10 seats, a seat in the course will be overbooked if enrollment is simultaneous. In this case, the allocation of the one place will be decided by lottery.


Bank details for transfers

Account Holder: 
Universitaetskasse Tuebingen
DE76 6005 0101 0001 1950 86


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