
Classes and workshops

Each semester, we plan an exciting and above all varied range of classes and workshops for our trainees. Whether you want to improve your technique in familiar exercises, get a taste of a new discipline, expand your knowledge of sports and health science or are simply keen to train in a group, we are sure to have something for you in our programme!


Handstand Workshops

Learn the art of the handstand or fine-tune your technique! In our handstand workshops, you will receive step-by-step instructions, helpful tips on controlling and balancing your body and individual exercises to help you progress.


No current dates

Further workshops are planned for the new semester.

Partner Acrobatics Workshops

Dive into the world of partner acrobatics! In our workshops, you will learn to master impressive figures as a team. In this course you will gradually build up confidence in yourselves and in each other and learn helpful tips to improve your body awareness and balance.

Partner Acrobatics "Basics" - Workshop

In this workshops we will work on various partner acrobatics figures on the floor. Everyone can train according to their level/skills.

Contents of the workshops
  • Warm-up
  • Strength and mobility part
  • Learning acrobatic partner exercises
The workshops

In the “Basics 1” workshops, you will learn the basics of partner acrobatics. “Basics 2”, on the other hand, is aimed at all those who have already attended the Basics 1 workshop or have some previous knowledge.

About the coaches

Marshell and Jana have been a well-rehearsed acrobatic duo for several years. They would like to share their expertise and passion with you.

Important information

You can only register in pairs. Whether romantic, platonic, same-sex or not - everyone is welcome! If you are looking for a partner, you are welcome to use the university sports partner exchange.
  Details & booking


Powerlifting Workshops

Learn the basics or fine-tune your technique in the three disciplines of squats, bench presses and deadlifts. Our powerlifting workshops offer you tailored coaching in which we focus intensively on the correct and most efficient execution of exercises and explain the scientific background to effective training.


Squat, Deadlift & Bench press - Workshops

If you're looking to take your compound lifts to the next level, we've got you covered! While plateaus can be frustrating, we're here to help you overcome them. Our powerlifting workshops is all about perfecting your squat, deadlift or bench press form (depending on the workshop). Whether you're a beginner or an experienced lifter, we've got something for you. Learn how to squat from scratch or finally bust through plateaus and skyrocket your gains with some science-backed tips and tricks to optimize your technique. Get ready to take your training to the next level!

Contents of the workshops

  • Basic anatomy and biomechanics of each lift
  • Pre-mobility and warm-ups
  • Learn to perform each lift
  • How to safely spot someone who is lifting
  • How to fix issues and improve performance with your lifts

About the Coach

Luke is a powerlifting coach and has previously competed in New Zealand. He would like to share his experience from training and coaching about how to maximise the safety, benefits and performance of these lifts in your training.
 Details & booking


Strength Training Workshops

Whether you are new to strength training or want to improve your progress - in our strength training workshop you will learn everything from the basics to advanced techniques.

No current dates

Further workshops are planned for the new semester.

Calisthenics Workshops & classes

In our calisthenics workshop & classes, we show you how to train your entire body effectively using only your own body weight. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, you will learn a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups and improve your strength, endurance and mobility.


No current dates

Further workshops are planned for the new semester.

Functional Training Workshops

Improve your strength and endurance as well as your balance, flexibility and coordination with functional exercises that will make you more efficient in everyday life and training. Our functional training workshops offer you a mix of bodyweight training and equipment and challenge both your muscles and your cardiovascular system.

Functional Training Workshops

Functional HIIT "Conditioning" Workshop

If you've always wanted to know what "EMOM" and "AMRAP" mean and how they can be combined with a "Devil's Press", you've come to the right place. In the Functional HIIT“Conditioning Workshop”, you will learn the basics of endurance-based full-body exercises that challenge your strength, endurance and coordination. Together, we will learn how to combine individual exercises to integrate sweat-inducing workouts into your training.


Content of the workshop
  • Basic anatomical and biomechanical knowledge
  • Suitable warm-up and preparatory exercises
  • Learning the right technique
  • Functional strength and strength endurance exercises
  • Recognising and eliminating typical sources of error
  • Prioritising safety

About the trainer

Anna-Lisa is our functional training specialist. She has been combining strength and endurance elements in her own training for years, which not only stimulate muscle growth, but also strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve mobility and coordination.
Details & booking


Functional Strength training "Functional Bodybuilding" Workshop

If classic strength training in the gym seems boring to you and you would rather get to know functional full-body exercises with free weights, this is the right course for you.

In functional bodybuilding, we focus on dynamic exercises that involve several joints and therefore improve your strength, coordination and mobility at the same time. We will look at the technique of several exercises together and I will give you tips on how you can use speed to make your training even more effective.

The course is suitable for all fitness levels as each exercise can be customised.

Contents of the workshop
  • Basic anatomical and biomechanical knowledge
  • Suitable warm-up and preparation exercises
  • Learning the correct technique
  • Functional strength and strength endurance exercises
  • Recognising and eliminating typical sources of error
  • Prioritising safety

Tip: Functional bodybuilding naturally also includes the three classics squat, bench & deadlift. If your interested to learn those lifts, we recommend visiting Luke's Workshops.

About the coach

Coach Anna-Lisa is our functional training specialist. She has been combining strength and endurance elements in her own training for years, which not only stimulate muscle growth, but also strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve mobility and coordination.

Details & booking

Nutrition Workshops

Learn the basics of a balanced diet or deepen your knowledge with special tips for athletes. Our nutrition workshops offer you practical knowledge on nutrients, meal planning and nutrition strategies to help you achieve your goals efficiently and sustainably.

No current dates

Further workshops are planned for the new semester.

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