Institute of Sociology

Erasmus+ Application Procedure

The application procedure is twofold: you need to apply for an Erasmus nomination and place at a host university and you need to apply for the mobility grant.

Please consult the application website of the International Office and the guidelines on how to apply for the mobility grant.

Erasmus nomination and place at the partner university

At the home university

Application needs to be done by e-mail to the departmental ERASMUS coordinators, erasmusspam

► 15. 3. for an ERASMUS exchange in the upcoming summer term and the winter term of the subsequent year

The following documents are needed for the application:

  • Enrolment certificate of the University of Tübingen (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung)
  • The Learning Agreement [Learning Agreement]: fill in the form with your details and those of your chosen partner university and complete the section "Before the mobility", listing the courses that you would like to take at the partner university and the courses that you would like to replace at the University of Tübingen.
  • A copy of your Campus performance overview (Notenspiegel)
  • Transcript of Record [Official Transcript & Official Transcript - additional pages]: Please fill in this form using the information on your Notenspiegel certificate and add those courses that you expect to complete before going on exchange.
  • Please note: The Learning Agreement you send to us at this stage is not final, we will advise you to change it if necessary. Please understand that we cannot offer you counselling appointments without having received your preliminary Learning Agreement first.

Please wait for the nomination notification of your Erasmus coordinator.

The Erasmus coordinator may ask you to make changes on your Learning Agreement.

At the partner university

After having been nominated you need to apply at your chosen partner university. The fact that you have been nominated does not mean that you have automatically secured a place to study. You need to formally apply at the host institute.

The application procedure and documents requested vary from one university to the next, but the Erasmus coordinator at your chosen partner university can provide advice on this. Many universities send you all the instructions and forms for application by e-mail or provide a weblink. Be aware of the deadline for the partner institute which will be communiated to you by the Erasmus coordinator.

In most cases the application comprises:
• an online-application form of the host university
• the transcript of records of the home university
• the "Learning Agreement/Before the Mobility".

Mobility grant

Application for the mobility grant

When applying at the partner university of your choice, you can apply for the Erasmus mobility grant at the same time.

  • Even if you do not need a grant, you still need to register on the system as a zero-grant student.
  • Go through the online-application procedure and register afterwards in mobility online, thus creating your Erasmus account.
  • Create the print version of the online-application form, print it once and have it signed by one of departmental Erasmus coordinators.
  • Create the Grant Agreement online, print it twice and sign them yourself. All three documents nned to be submitted to the International Office (ERASMUS+ Office, Wilhelmstraße 9, 1. OG, Zi. 109c: Frau Kurz/ Frau Mayer):

The deadlines for application for the mobility grant are:

► 30. 11. for an ERASMUS exchange in the upcoming summer term

► 30. 6. for an ERASMUS exchange in the upcoming winter term

Before, during and after the semester abroad more documents and certification needs to be submitted. Please read all relevant checklists carefully. They are available in the  Download section of the International Office.