Institute of Sociology

Dissertation Projects

Current dissertation projects

"Social identity and social cohesion: does (dis)recognition of social identity affect attitudes towards social cohesion, and how?" (working title)

Romantic relationships and gender ideologies of adolescents and young adults

Candidate: Janna Wilhelm
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Pia Schober

Changing relationships and parenting of mothers and fathers: consequences for child development?

Candidate: Isabelle Fischer
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Pia Schober

The global institutionalisation of the category of "persons with disabilities"

Promovendin Annelen Fritz
Betreuerin Prof. Dr. Marion Müller (Uni Tübingen), Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne Waldschmidt (Universität zu Köln)                                                                            

Provisional title: Family structure and policy context influences on gender ideologies and norms

Doctoral candidate Marie-Fleur Philipp
Supervisor Prof. Dr. Pia Schober (Uni Tübingen)                                                                             
Funding DFG; Universität Tübingen

"Matter out of place". A qualitative-empirical study of the problematization of trash in urban areas.

Doctoral candidate Fynn Kunkel
Supervisor Prof. Dr. Boris Nieswand, Prof. Dr. Rita Haverkamp (both University of Tübingen)

Being co-pregnant, expecting a child, becoming a father - Men at the transition to parenthood

Doctoral candidate:  

Laura Völkle


Prof. Dr. Marion Müller (Universität Tübingen), Prof. Dr. Stefan Hirschauer (Universität Mainz)

Funding: Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg, Promotionsverbund "Die Persistenz einer 'Kultur der Zweigeschlechtlichkeit' "

Commercialisation or poverty reduction? Effects of Global Comparative Monitoring on Organizational Processes in Microfinance Organizations

Doctoral candidate:

Sophia Cramer


Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University Luzern



Threat, Diversity and Urbanity in Johannesburg

Doctoral candidate:

Manuel Dieterich


Prof. Dr. Boris Nieswand (Universität Tübingen)                                 

Working title of dissertation: “Parenthood, relationship processes and family policy in Germany”

Doctoral candidate Silke Büchau
Supervisor Prof. Dr. Pia Schober
Funding State Postgraduate Fellowship Programme Baden-Württemberg (04/2019-03/2021), research assistant in DFG-project “Family policy information, gender ideologies and normative judgements of the gender division of labour” (since 04/2021)


Passing on educational advantages: The role of cultural capital and concerted cultivation.

Doctoral candidate:

Karoline Mikus


PD Dr. Nicole Tieben (Uni Hannover), Prof. Dr. Pia Schober (Uni Tübingen)                        

Funding: Karoline Mikus was from 2015-2018 a doctoral student at the LEAD Graduate School & Research Network [GSC1028], which was funded within the framework of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments.

Context conditions of class-specific educational acquisition and status transfer

Doctoral candidate:

Marc Schwenzer


Prof. Dr. Steffen Hillmert, Prof. Dr. Martin Groß (both at the University Tübingen)

The Old Anti Capitalism of the New Right: on the Renaissance of the Social Question
in the new-right milieu. (working title)

Doctoral candidate:

Richard Siegert


Prof. Dr. Jörg Strübing, Prof. Dr. Tanja Thomas, Prof. Dr. Fabian Virchow

The social image of the former non-voters. Disposition and positioning of the
right-wing populist organized solidarity. (working title)

Doctoral candidate:

Philipp Rhein


Prof. Dr. Jörg Strübing, Prof. Dr. Stephan Lessenich, Prof. Dr. Matthias Möhring-Hesse

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