Institute of Sociology

Study FAQ

General organisation of studies – BA and MA

Preliminary remark BA/MA

There are two documents that should always be consulted first on questions of study organisation:

  • the BA/MA Study and Examination Regulations including their subject-specific annexes. There, all questions concerning the organisation of examinations as well as the required preliminary examination work are regulated in a legally binding (!) manner.
  • The curriculum for the BA in Sociology major and minor (included in the BA module handbooks) or for the MAs in Sociology (included in the MA module handbooks). There are not legally binding, but meaningful suggestions on how to structure the course of studies. Those who adhere to them can be sure that they comply with the examination regulations.

You should study these two documents thoroughly at the beginning of your studies and use them again and again for orientation during the course of your studies.

Is there a maximum period of study in BA Sociology and MA "Sociology with a Focus on empirical Research" and MA "Sociology: Diversity and Society"?


Registration for courses/exams

In principle, credits can only be earned in courses for which you have registered via ALMA (unless otherwise stated) at the beginning of the semester. There are different(!) registration deadlines for the courses in sociology. These are listed in ALMA in the basic data of the respective course. Instructions on how to register for courses can be found here.
In addition to registering at the beginning of the semester, you must register via ALMA at the end of the lecture period for the examinations in the courses in which you wish to acquire ECTS (lectures, tutorials, seminars, colloquia). There are also registration and deregistration deadlines for this. You can also find instructions for registering for examinations here.
I forgot to register for a course within the deadline: In this case, please contact the respective secretary's office, stating your matriculation number.
I forgot to register for an exam within the deadline: In this case please contact Mr. Löser at the examination office.
Students from other disciplines cannot register for examinations via ALMA. In this case, registration is carried out at the respective secretary's office, stating the matriculation number.

Recognition of achievements

If you would like to have achievements, e.g. from a previous study programme, recognised for your Sociology studies, please contact the Student Advisory Service

Credit points system and crediting of seminars in the BA

The BA Sociology major comprises 120 ECTS (not more), which are composed of the points of the individual modules. Which courses for which modules result in how many points is largely determined by the module manual. If you have completed a course completely (i.e. you have entered a grade for it), then this grade and only this grade counts for the BA certificate. It is therefore not possible to repeat a course if the grade is not satisfactory.

Study phase abroad/ERASMUS

Where and how do I apply for an ERASMUS stay?

For detailed information on the application procedure please see the Erasmus page.

Application deadline March 15th for a stay in the winter semester of the same year and the summer semester of the next year with Erasmus+/Civis.

What is an "academic transcript"?

An "academic transcript" is a form which is available on the homepage of the Department for Academic Exchange of the University of Tübingen and in which your achievements (topics and grades) are entered in English and the grades are converted into an internationally understandable scheme. The applicants make their own entries, the respective ERASMUS consultant checks the entries and signs the form.

BA-Thesis and BA Colloquium

If you are thinking about completing your BA studies, it is time to read the study and examination regulations again.

Who supervises the BA thesis?

The BA thesis can be supervised by all persons entitled to examine it. Professors and PhD students of the Department of Sociology are entitled to sit the exam. Here you can find more information about the authorised examiners.

Which topic is suitable for the BA thesis?

The topic of the BA thesis is discussed with the supervising examiner and is usually based on his or her main research focus. It is recommended to choose one of the topics dealt with in the modules B1-B5/So-B1-So-B5.2 of the Bachelor's programme.

When can the BA thesis be registered?

According to §9(1) of the special part of the Bachelor's study and examination regulations (2012) , the prerequisites for the registration of the BA thesis are "regular and successful participation in the modules B1, B2, B3, B4".

According to §9(1) of the special part of the Bachelor's study and examination regulations (2018 & 2023), the prerequisites for the registration of the BA thesis are "regular and successful participation in the modules So-B1, So-B2, So-B3.1, So-B3.2, So-B4.1, So-B4.2, So-B4.3, So-B5.1, So-B5-2".

How to register the BA work?

Step 1: Examiner and candidate agree on a topic for the BA thesis.

Step 2: Candidate mails the topic to Mr. Löser with the request for admission to the examination and the desired date for the start of the deadline.

Step 3: Mr. Löser mails the start and end of the deadline, including the topic, to the candidate and the supervisor and checks whether the examination requirements have been met in accordance with the examination regulations.

Where is the BA thesis handed in?

Students submit their BA thesis simultaneously to the service counter of the examination office (i.e. not directly to Mr Löser) as well as to the respective examiner. The latter determines whether he or she would like to receive a paper version in addition to the electronic version. The date of receipt at the service office of the Examination Office is decisive for the submission date.

How many copies of the work must be handed in?

Once to the service office at the Examination Office in printed form, and once to the examiner at the Institute of Sociology. The examiner can specify a submission format (print/PDF).

How long does the BA thesis have to be?

The BA thesis must have a length of 60,000-70,000 characters (including spaces). That is about 30 pages of text.The processing time is 6 weeks.

Which BA colloquium is to be taken and when?

The BA colloquium must be completed before or during the completion of the BA thesis. All students who complete the BA thesis with lecturers who have their own colloquium should please attend their colloquium. If your supervising examiner doesn´t offer an own colloquium, please attend the colloquium offered in the respective research and teaching area.
Please always contact a lecturer by email by the first day of the first lecture week of the semester in which the supervision is to begin at the latest with a suggested topic and look for supervision there. And please register only with one lecturer at a time. This is not yet an application for the examination, so you do not have to fulfil all the requirements for admission to the examination.
If you register later in the semester, you run the risk of no longer being supervised in the semester in question.

Certficates (BAföG/Transcript of Records)

What does the performance record for the BAföG office look like?

The Bafög-Amt will ask you (if you receive or apply for funding) at certain intervals to submit a so-called "proof of achievement" about the successful progress of your studies. The certificate of achievement is issued by the examination office ( ).You will need the following document: the form "Bescheinigung nach §48 BAföG" (certificate according to §48 BAföG) available from the BAföG office (or to be downloaded here), in which you should have already completed the upper part yourself (name, subject: "Sociology" etc.). 

Transcript of Records

You can obtain a certified Transcript of Records, for example to apply for a Master's programme, at the Examination Office.

Application procedure BA and MA


The bachelor's degree in sociology begins once a year in the winter semester. Since the winter semester 2022/23, the bachelor's major in sociology has been free of admission. From the winter semester 2021/2022, admission to the minor in sociology will again be restricted. Further information can be found here.


Information on enrolment can be found under the respective page of the study programme under Prospective Students.

Can I transfer from another university to Tübingen in one of the current Master's programmes in Sociology?

Basically yes, if the general application requirements for the respective Master's programme are fulfilled. The application should be addressed to the Student Administration and is possible in both winter and summer semesters. Here you will find all important information about applying to a higher semester. To ensure that you apply for the correct semester, please contact the Student Advisory Service before applying.


If you as a student want to end your enrollment at the University of Tübingen, you can de-register at any time at the Student Secretariat. Normally, de-registration takes place after the end of your studies (passing the main examination) at the end of the next semester (March 31 at the end of the winter semester or September 30 at the end of the summer semester). However, you can also deregister at any date between the application and the end of the next semester. If you are currently in the examination process and e.g. If, for example, you want to de-register to avoid paying the fees, please ask your examination office about the consequences for your right to take the examination before de-registration. The Student Secretariat cannot answer such questions.

Switching programmes

How can I change from another subject to Sociology?

If you want to transfer to the first semester of the BA major or the BA minor in Sociology, you first need to apply in due time and receive a new letter of admission. This is only possible for the winter semester. The same applies to a transfer from another MA programme to one of the MA programmes in Sociology.

If the transfer takes place in the third semester or in a higher semester, a study-related consultation must take place. Please contact the Student Advisory Service for this.  

Those who have appropriate creditable sociological achievements can transfer to a higher semester. This is possible for both the winter and summer semester. Please contact the Student Advisory Service (in good time!).

The formal procedure for switching programmes is carried out by the Student Administration. Please ask there for more detailed information on the formalities.

Scientific Term Paper (Final Thesis in BA Sociology minor)

The scientific term paper ("freie wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit") is the final thesis of the BA minor in sociology.

The scientific term paper is the final thesis of the BA minor in sociology. It is usually written in the 5th semester and should be linked to the content of one of the seminars in module BN5 or modules B5.1/B5.2 and is written in addition to the papers that have to be written there anyway. In this case, the examiner is the lecturer of the respective seminar. If this is not the case, an examiner must be chosen from the group of authorized examiners. The topic and the question of the paper are to be discussed with the examiner (Exposee!). A guideline for the processing time is four weeks, of course in consultation with the lecturer/examiner. The scope of the work is 40,000-45,000 characters (including spaces). The free scientific term paper is registered and submitted to the examiner (not to the examination office).


Participation in written exams

1) Credits and examinations during your studies can only be acquired in courses for which you have registered at the beginning of the semester (s. also Registration for courses).
2) Prior registration for examinations and catch-up examinations via ALMA is mandatory. The registration must be made at the latest by the end of the registration period announced in ALMA. Instructions on how to register for examinations can be found here.
3) Unexcused absence from the examination despite prior registration will be considered a failed attempt. Anyone who fails to attend for compelling reasons (e.g. illness, clash of dates with other exams, etc.) must justify this in writing by presenting a certificate or other documents to the relevant secretariat. In the case of a clash of dates, this must be clarified and agreed with the lecturer at least 14 days before the examination date.
4) Only those who have not passed the regular exam or who have been absent with valid excuse
are entitled to take part in catch-up exams.
5) For a second retry, an exceptional permission of the lecturer must be obtained, which must be requested in writing in due time. The second retry is usually only possible at the end of the semester after next. (Note, this does not apply to the orientation examination! Only one retry is possible here).

Guidelines for the preparation of scientific papers (essays, term papers, theses)

Guidelines for the preparation of scientific papers (german version)

The specifications contained in this guideline apply to all scientific work carried out at the respective chair, unless otherwise agreed with the lecturer or specified in the schedule of the respective course.

Master Thesis / Oral Exam

What belongs to the examination module of the Master's programmes "Sociology with a Focus on Empirical Research" and "Sociology: Diversity and Society"?

The examination module of the MAs consists of three parts: 1) the Master's thesis, 2) the MA colloquium and 3) the oral exam (graded technical discussion).

Registration for the examination module

Sociology with a Focus on Empirical Research
According to the examination regulations, the prerequisite for participation in the examination module is "the successful achievement of a total of at least 39 ECTS points from courses in modules no. M1, M2, M4.1-4.3" (Special Part, §8).

Sociology: Diversity and Society
According to the examination regulations, the prerequisite for participation in the examination module is "the successful completion of modules totalling at least 42 credit points from the modules SD-M1, SD-M2, SD-M4.1 and SD-M4.2" (Special Part, §11).

How does the registration procedure for the Master's thesis work?

Step 1: Examiner and candidate agree on a topic for the MA thesis.

Step 2: The candidate goes to the examination office (Mr Löser), applies for admission to the Master's examination and receives the corresponding forms.

Step 3: The candidate goes to the examiner with the form for the topic issue and has this form signed there. The date on this form is regarded as the start date for the deadline of the Master's thesis.

How long is the processing period for the Master's thesis after registration at the Examination Office?

The processing period for the master's thesis is 4 months from the issue of the topic to the submission of the work.

What is the scope of the Master's thesis?

The Master's thesis should have a length of about 120,000-150,000 characters (including spaces). As a rule, this corresponds to around 60 text pages.

Who can be considered as a supervisor for the Master's thesis?

Here you can find information about the authorized examiners for the master’s degree. The master's thesis must be assessed by two examiners, one of whom can be the supervisor of the master's thesis. Please note: if the second reviewer is not known at the time of registration, the name must be communicated to the examination office before submission of the master's thesis.

How does the oral exam work?

The max. one-hour, graded technical discussion, which is usually taken after completing the master's thesis, is intended to demonstrate the breadth of sociological expertise that goes beyond the topic of the master's thesis. The content and procedure of the exam is usually coordinated with the supervisor.


What is the Mentoring Program?
The mandatory mentoring program is for Master's students only. At the beginning of their studies, students select a mentor from among the university teachers* and the doctoral members of the institute, with whom they meet at least once a semester to discuss their progress and further planning. This is to ensure that students receive the best possible support during the relatively short period of their Master's studies. It is not a question of examination interviews or performance reviews, it is a support measure. With the choice of the mentor, no preliminary decision has been made for the supervision of the Master's thesis.

How do I register for the mentoring program?
Within four weeks of the start of lectures, you should adress your request for mentoring to the person you would like to be mentored by. Once you have been accepted, you inform the academic advisor who your mentor is.

Orientation Exam ("Orientierungsprüfung")

How is the orientation examination in the Bachelor's programme taken?

(cf. BA examination regulations 2012/2018, special part, section IV, §8)

With the orientation examination, students should demonstrate that they are able to meet the requirements of an academic course of study in the combination of subjects they have chosen and that they have acquired the necessary basic knowledge to be able to continue their studies successfully.

The orientation examination is taken during the course of study. Students in the main subject and in the subsidiary subject BA Sociology have to prove achievements in the scope of 6 LP for the course "Introduction to Sociology" in the module B1/BN1/So-B1.

The orientation examination is ideally taken in the first semester. If it is not completed by the end of the third semester, including any repetitions, the examination entitlement expires, unless the examinee is not responsible for missing the deadline.

The passed orientation examination is verified by the Transcript of Records. You do not have to obtain a separate certificate for this, but you should check in good time whether your performance has been correctly recorded in Alma. Please report any errors to Mr. Löser at the Examination Office.

Orientation discussion

In addition to the orientation examination, the BA Sociology major should have an orientation advising session with a full-time lecturer. These are all lecturers, except pure lecturers, tutors and students.

Parallel studies

Studying Sociology in addition to another admission-restricted study programme requires the approval of the department. For this purpose, please contact Prof. Dr. Jörg Strübing via the departmental student advisory service with a current excerpt from the grade list ("Notenspiegel") and a one-page, informal justification for parallel studies.

Forms and further information on parallel studies can be found on the website of the Student Administration.

Authorized examiners in Sociology

The current list of authorized examiners is published here.

Key Qualifications (What you always wanted to know about module B7/So-B7...)

What is (not) counted as a key qualification?

Recognition of key qualifications

Where and how are the key qualifications taken into account?

The key qualifications (module B7/So-B7 "Interdisciplinary career-oriented complementary courses") are either credited directly via Alma (like all other courses) or certified in paper form. Please contact the examination office (Mr. Löser) with this certificate and have the ECTS points entered from there. If the course is not part of the Transdisciplinary Course Program (formerly Studium Professionale) , please contact the student advisory service for recognition. 

How many key qualification points do I need?
You must acquire 16 ECTS in module B7/So-B7. A further 5 are automatically added when you complete the work placement and colloquium, so that at the end there are 21 ECTS. They need therefore key qualification meetings to the extent of 16 ECTS.

Studying with family care responsibilities

Rules on leave of absence, admission to seminars, attendance and performance of examinations: general guidelines of the WISO Faculty.

To the page of the Equal Opportunities Office of the department.

Compulsory Elective Module in the MA programs "Sociology with a Focus on Empirical Research" (PO 2018) and "Sociology: Diversity and Society" (PO 2020)

The compulsory elective module (So-M6/SD-M6) serves to extend and deepen the study contents in the direction of other disciplines. Students can choose courses from other disciplines to the extent of 12 ECTS/9 ECTS. The courses do not have to be graded.

In principle, all courses (BA and MA) ca be taken. Please note that previous knowledge is required for many MA courses. In any case, please consult the lecturer of the course.

Furthermore, courses from sociology and other disciplines as well as language skills achieved abroad can be recognised.

Key qualifications (e.g. from the Studium Professionale) cannot be credited in this module, nor can courses offered by institutes affiliated with the University of Tübingen (such as those offered by the "Weltethos-Institut"). Likewise, participation in the Studium Generale is not recognised in this module.

In order to have achievements in module M6 recognised, non-subject certificates should be submitted to the student counsellor service. If the criteria are met, the certificates will be forwarded to the examination office for registration.

Who can help with questions about ...?

Please note that the answers to the questions listed are not to be understood as binding legal advice, but rather as initial assistance and preparation for a counselling interview.

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