08.12.2014 – Last Tuesday (02.12.14) Tim Pawlowski represented the IfS at the first ‘Vamos Jogar‘ Conference in Rio de Janeiro as guest speaker invited by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). ‘Vamos Jogar’ is an initiative led by UNICEF fostering the implementation of Article 31 of the UN Convention on the right to play for children and adolescents in municipalities in Latin America and the Caribbean. His latest findings on Sport Participation and Child Development in Less Developed Countries – a paper project jointly developed with Ute Schüttoff (IfS), Paul Downward (Loughborough University, GB) and Michael Lechner (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland) – served as the starting point for a one hour panel discussion, followed online live by several people in more than 50 countries worldwide. In addition to Tim Pawlowski, Rodrigo Mendes (President of the ‘Instituto Rodrigo Mendes‘) and Orlando Dato (Social Worker in der Favela Morro dos Prazeres) also participated in the panel discussion moderated by Edith Asibey (Chief of Communication, UNICEF Brazil). After this talk, Pawlowski presented the paper during the International Association of Sports Economists Conference organized by the renowned Getulio Vargas Foundation.