12.05.2015 – After the guest talks provided by Professor Samantha Thomas (University of Wollongong (Australia), announcement) and Dr. Paul Downward (Loughborough University (GB), announcement) two further guest lectures will be offered in this semester by leading researchers from the West Virginia University working on key topics in sports and health economics. On Tuesday, 19th May 2015 (4.30-6pm), Professor Jane E. Ruseski will start with a guest lecture on 'Sport Participation, Health, and Happiness: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Evidence' (<link fileadmin uni_tuebingen fakultaeten sozialverhalten documente ab1 _blank download herunterladen der datei>Announcement). One day later (2.30-4pm) Professor Brad R. Humphreys is going to provide a lecture on 'Gambling as Consumer Behavior' (<link fileadmin uni_tuebingen fakultaeten sozialverhalten documente ab1 _blank download herunterladen der datei>Announcement). Both events take place in the lecture hall of the institute (Hörsaal IfS). All students and colleagues interested in these topics are cordially invited.