Institute of Sports Science

The Institute of Sports Science from 2000 to the present day

In 2000, the introduction of a Bachelor of Arts with a special profile in “Sports Management” and “Health Management”.

In 2004, the introduction of a Master of Arts with a special profile in “Sports Management”.

In 2004, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Göhner retired; his successor was Prof. Dr. Veit Wank.

In 2004, Prof. Dr. Ansgar Thiel was appointed as successor of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schlicht at the Institute.

In 2005, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Gabler retired.

In 2005, the introduction of the BA programmes in Sports Media Research and Health Promotion.

In 2006, Dr. Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tübingen. The Institute of Sports Science undertook the organisation of the event.

In 2007, Prof. Dr. Oliver Höner took the Chair in Sports Psychology and Methodology as successor to Prof. Dr. Hartmut Gabler.

In 2007, the “Distinguished Teaching Prize” of the University of Tübingen was awarded to Dr. Verena Burk. The prize celebrated her double semester course in “Sport konzipieren, organisieren und evaluieren” (The Conception, Organisation and Evaluation of Sport), which is based on the running of university championships in Germany, as well as on other sports events.

In 2008, the first edition of the journal, “SportSirene“, was published. Ever since it has been independently published by students of Sports Media Research in an annual edition.

In 2008, the Institute’s 100-kilometre relay race took place for the 20th time, thus celebrating its anniversary.

In 2008, Rainer Willfeld, quondam lecturer in soccer at the Institute, left for Burkina Faso to oversee a soccer project supported by the DOSB (German Olympic Sports Confederation) and the DFB (German Football Association).

In 2009, Dr. Gunther Volck retired.

In 2009, Dr. jur. Wolfgang Schäuble, the Federal Minister of the Interior, was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Tübingen.

In 2009, the conversion of the swimming pool and of the gymnasium was begun; it was completed in 2010. The conversion provided the Institute of Sports Science with an additional teaching room (S IV) for its courses.

In 2009, the Institute of Sports Science celebrated its 170th anniversary with a large Summer festival.

In 2009, the Institute of Sports Science achieved a top position in the CHE University Ranking.

In 2009, a new Master’s programme in Sports Science with a special profile in Health Promotion was introduced.

In 2010, Prof. Dr. Helmut Digel, Dr. Gunnar Drexel, Manhard Sigler and Rainer Willfeld retired.

In 2010, Prof. Dr. Ansgar Thiel was elected Director of the Institute of Sports Science.

In 2010, Prof. Dr. Allen Guttmann (Amherst College Massachusetts/USA) was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Tübingen.

In 2010, the “Distinguished Teaching Prize” of the University of Tübingen was awarded to Dr. Andreas Hoffmann. It recognised, above all, the newly established course in training social competence for teacher trainees, which Dr. Andreas Hoffmann had developed in part through cooperation with students.

In 2010, Dr. Franz Begov, Senior Academic Teacher and sports historian, died in Tübingen, aged 75. He had held an appointment at the Institute of Sports Science from 1965 to 1997.

In 2010, Prof. Dr. Ommo Grupe, founder and Nestor of Sports Science, celebrated his 80th birthday. He had held an appointment at the Institute of Sports Science from 1958 to 1999.

In 2010, the rebuilding of the Institute’s gymnasium and its library began.

In 2010 Prof. Dr. Lucie Thibault from the Brock University of Canada (Department of Sport Management) spent one semester at the Institute of Sports Science as part of a DAAD’s guest professorship.

In 2010, Dr. jur. Peter Duvinage was awarded an Honorary Professorship in Sports Management, with particular reference to aspects of sports and media law, by the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Tübingen.

In 2011, Prof. Dr. Gorden Sudeck took the chair in Sports Science with special expertise in Health Education. He heads the new programme in “Bildungs- und Gesundheitsforschung im Sport” (Research into Education and Health in Sport)

In 2011, the new Institute library and gymnasium were opened. The latter’s 400m3 make it twice as big as the previous gymnasium and enables gymnastics at a particularly high level by dint of its sprung floors, landing pit and tumbling area.

In 2011, university sport at the University of Tübingen gained the title “Hochschule des Jahres” (University of the Year) from the “Allgemeinen Deutschen Hochschulsportverband” (German University Sports Federation). Tübingen’s university sport is distinguished by its integration into university life in general, its innovative programme and its particular collaboration with the federal association.

In 2012, Dr. Andreas Hoffmann habilitated in Sports Science (Title: Vermittlung entwicklungsrelevanter Normen im Sport: Studien zu einer sportpädagogischen Kernkategorie).

In 2012, Prof. Dr. Tim Pawlowski succeeded Prof Dr. Helmut Digel to become Head of the Department of Sport Economics, Sport Management and Media Research.

In October 2013, the 13th Congress Sports in School of the German Sports Teacher Association (Deutscher Sportlehrerverband DSLV) area south-Württemberg took place at the Institute of Sports Science.

In the winter term 2013, the Erasmus cooperation with Molde University College in Norway and the University of Florence were arranged.

In August 2013, Daphne Walliser took over administration of the Institute of Sports Science.

In October 2013 in Munich, the ARD Forum Sport was organised for the first time in collaboration with the ARD Sports Coordination.

In 2014, the ninth Erasmus partnership of the Institute of Sports Science was arranged with the University of Granada.

In 2014, the Institute of Sports Science celebrated its 175th anniversary with a summer festival and student graduation.

In 2014, former employees Manhard Sigler and Günter Frey passed away.

In 2015, Ommo Grupe, the former director, passed away at the age of 84 (4.11.1930–26.2.2015). In 1960, he was appointed Director of the former Institute of Physical Education. As the first head with a doctorate he endeavoured to develop physical education as a scientific and academic subject. After his postdoctoral lecture qualification, he was appointed Professor of Theory of Physical Education.

In 2015, Prof. Dr. Samantha Thomas became Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Institute of Sports Science.

In May 2015, the Institute of Sports Science organised for the first time the Social Media and Sports Day conference.

In 2015, the Bachelor of Education was introduced in the winter term.

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