Trying to make sense of retromer. Trends Plant Sci Apr 11. [Epub ahead of print]
Early embryogenesis in flowering plants: setting up the basic body pattern. Annu Rev Plant Biol…
Identification of immunogenic microbial patterns takes the fast lane. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109,…
Plant LysM proteins: modules mediating symbiosis and immunity. Trends Plant Sci. 2012 May 10.…
Plant immunology: A life or death switch.Nature 486, 198-199.
How plant lysin motif receptors get activated: lessons learned from structural biology. Sci Signal…
Degradation of Arabidopsis CRY2 is regulated by SPA proteins and phytochrome A. Plant Cell;…
Genome-wide binding-site analysis of REVOLUTA reveals a link between leaf patterning and…
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