Institut für Neurobiologie


The Master of Science in Neurobiology programme is designed for a duration of four semesters (120 ECTS credits). Its main aim is to provide solid neurobiological background on all levels (cellular, systems, cognitive and computational neuroscience). The theoretical knowledge is complemented by training in experimental techniques and data analysis skills matching the needs of modern neurosciences and also qualifies for job opportunities outside academia. The institute’s broad spectrum of model systems and methods is reflected in our teaching. One of the programme’s foci is on comparative approaches across species, sensory modalities, and methods. The comparative approach trains the participant’s ability to interpret data in a broader context, draw more general conclusions, and understand the common concepts.

Balance of compulsory and elective modules

The programme’s curriculum balances compulsory and elective parts. Only 21 out of the 120 credits do not allow for selections. These modules are scheduled for the first semester and ensure a common basis for the remaining studies. The larger part of the curriculum allows selecting courses according to the own interests which offers the opportunity to create a personalized profile.


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