Institut für Neurobiologie

Master Thesis Neurobiology (30 CP)

The Master's thesis is supposed to show a candidate's ability to work on a scientific, neurobiological question and present the results adequately. The thesis is worth of 30 ECTS, that is, about 6 months of working at 40h per week. The thesis may be written in German or English. The thesis is reviewed by two reviewers which must be admitted reviewers of the Department of Biology. A list of possible reviewers is available at the examination office. To start a thesis at least 60 ECTS credits must have been collected. It is required to register the thesis' topic and combination of thesis advisors with the examination office in advance!

Study aims

Within the Master's thesis you:

  •   will show that you are capable of familiarizing yourself with a current research problem within the given time frame.
  •   you will learn and apply appropriate scientific methods independently and present the results in a scientifically appropriate manner.
  •   will independently, yet guided, work on a demanding scientific topic while applying your biological methodological knowledge effectively.
  •   will enhance your problem-solving skills and transfer knowledge and insights.
  •   will experience working in a team within an international scientific environment.


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