Environmental Analytical Chemistry (in English) In this course we are looking at trace organic compounds in environmental samples. A focus is on liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS) approaches applied for target and nontarget analysis. This includes the fundamental understanding of the setup and mode of operation of analytical instruments and applications to environmental samples.
Lab course In the second part of the module we offer a laboratory course in which students will perform sampling, sample preparation, target and nontarget analysis. The practical application will deepen the knowledge and understanding of the analytical approaches.
Introduction to Environmental Systems (Einführung in die Umweltsysteme; in German): We will look on the fundamentals of global and regional scales cycles of elements and chemiclas. Students will give presentations on assigned subjects in this field
(Pictures from Giger, W. (2009) Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 16, 98-111)
Summer semester
BSc level:
Environmental Analysis (Umweltanalytik; in German) Fundamental analytical approaches will be discussed to detect and quantify contaminants in water, air and soil. This includes basic characterization parameters of environmental compartments, major ingredients, trace elements and organic pollutants. Titration and basic sensors as well as spectroscopic, electrochemical and chromatographic methods will be considered.
Lab course (Laborpraktikum Umweltanalytik; in German) In the lab course students will perform the measurement of selected analytical parameters, document and discuss their findings in a report. This includes oxygen, pH, electrical conductivity, nitrite, ammonium, permanganate index, calcium, magnesium, and selected pharmaceutical residues in a water sample.
Environmental Field course (Umweltanalytisches Feldpraktikum; in German; cooperation with colleagues from Hydrology, Prof. Cirpka, and Environmental Physics, Prof. Bange) In the filed course the students will investigate the oxygen balance in a river system and the major processes and their determining parameters contributing to production or consumption of oxygen. All results will be combined and used in a reactive transport model and presented in a final report.
Cycles of Matter (Stoffkreisläufe; in German) This course will deepen the knowledge on the environmental fate of chemicals and elements. We will apply fugacity models (Mackay) to calculate the equilibrium partitioning of organic compounds between environmental compartments. Global element cycles will be considered by a box model approach. This allows to consider the response and time-dependent behavior of a global system if this is displaced from equilibrium by anthropogenic or natural processes (e.g. carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere).
(Fig. from Mackay, D. Multimedia Environmental Models, 2001)