Pharmakologie, Toxikologie und Klinische Pharmazie

Experimentelle Pharmakologie

Institut für Pharmazie
Auf der Morgenstelle 8
D-72076 Tübingen


A decision on the next cGMP Conference in 2026 has been made!

March 2025

Please visit us soon on the Internet at for further details.

We are hiring, join our team!

July, 2024

We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on a research project on the role of cGMP in myocardial infaction and heart failure. The position is initially limited to three years, with an option for extension. Further details can be found here.

11th International Conference on cGMP

July, 2024

Again, exciting, and largely unpublished basic science and clinical advances related to the cGMP pathway were presented and intensively discussed by >110 participants from all over the world in "lovely" Lübeck. The organizers (on the photo from left to the right: Robert Lukowski, Adrian Hobbs, Sheila Collins, Peter Sandner, and Michael Marletta ) are looking forward to seeing everyone again in 2026 at the “12th International Conference on cGMP"!

Group photo (left) of the congress participants in front of the conference center in Lübeck. In the background you can see an arm of the river Trave and the historic old town.

Latest news from the non-/canonical second messenger field

June, 2024

The British Journal of Pharmacology (BJP) published a call for papers in a themed issue on “Tracking, manipulating and understanding non-/canonical second messenger signaling in single cells and in cell-cell communication”.

Click here to access the BJP homepage for more information about this recently opened call for original research papers and reviews .

Update on the final program for "cGMP 11" in Lübeck

May, 2024

The program for the “11th International Conference on cGMP” in Lübeck has been finalized. Please follow this link for further details.

British Journal of Pharmacology

January, 2024

Robert joined the editorial board of the British Journal of Pharmacology (BJP). BJP is a highly recognized international journal covering all aspects of pharmacology. "As editor, it will definitely be a great honor and pleasure for me to contribute to the steadily growing scientific visibility of BJP."

DFG Research Training Group 2381

November 2023

The DFG recently extended the Research Training Group 2381. On behalf of the very actively involved graduates who made this possible, we are very pleased about this positive decision. For further details, please follow the link to the DFG and RTG2381 homepage.

A decision on the next cGMP Conference in 2024 has been made!

March and November, 2023

The new website for the upcoming "11th International Conference on cGMP" in 2024 is now online. Thanks to our new user interface, you can access and use it conveniently via your cell phone. 

Lesmüller-Stiftung - Poster Prize of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG)

October 2023

David Skrabak (again) received the Dr. August und Dr. Anni Lesmüller poster award of the DPhG. We are delighted with the repitition of this wonderful success and congratulate you, David. Please consult the press release issued by the DPhG for further details.

Best Poster in the field of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology

89th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (DGPT)

March, 2023

We would like to congratulate Selina Maier for winning this award for her poster entitled „Anti-hormonal therapy provokes BKCa channel-dependent K+ dynamcis in human und murine breast cancer cells “.

Lesmüller-Stiftung - Poster Prize of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG)

September 2022

David Skrabak received the Dr. August und Dr. Anni Lesmüller- poster award of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG). Congratulation on your work, David! For additional information please consult the press release issued by the DPhG.

10th International Conference on cGMP

June, 2022

Again, exciting, and largely unpublished basic science and clinical advances related to the cGMP pathway were presented and intensively discussed by >110 participants from all over the world in Augsburg. The organizers (Sheila Collins, Adrian Hobbs, Robert Lukowski, Michael Marletta, Peter Sandner and Harald Schmidt) are looking forward to seeing everyone again in 2024 at the “11th International Conference on cGMP"!

Latest news from the cGMP field

June, 2022

The British Journal of Pharmacology (BJP) published a themed issue on cGMP signalling in cell growth and survival. For more information about the recent developments in cGMP research please follow this link.

Best Poster in the field of ion channels and membrane transporters

88th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (DGPT)

May, 2022

We would like to congratulate Dominic Gross for winning the "Best Poster Award" of the DGP & DGKliPha within the 7th German Pharm-ToxSummit. His work adresses „The role of Ca2+-activated potassium channels of intermediate conductance in breast cancer autophagy“.

The "10th International Conference on cGMP" will take place in Augsburg, Germany 2022

March, 2022

"cGMP 10" will thus take place in June 2022. Please visit us on the internet at for more details. Abstract submission is possible until April 22. We are looking forward to receiving many contributions from the cGMP field of research.


Lesmüller - Poster Prize of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG)

October 2021

Thomas Pham received the Dr. August und Dr. Anni Lesmüller- poster award of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG). Congratulation on your work, Thomas! For additional information please consult the press release issued by the DPhG.

Welcome to our new lab member!

July, 2020

Helmut Bischof, a postdoctoral Humboldt Research Fellow, continues to carry out his innovative work on K­+ sensors in the Lukowski lab.

The "10th International Conference on cGMP" will take place in Augsburg, Germany 2021

June, 2020

Please visit us on the internet at for more details.

December, 2020 update

The conference was rescheduled to 2022 due to rising COVID-19 cases in Germany.

Second call for fully funded PhD positions

March, 2020

The University of Tübingen, Germany, has an open call for fully funded PhD positions starting January 11, 2021. We are looking for a highly motivated graduate to join our project on "cGMP signaling in cardiac injury and repair". This project is embedded in the DFG funded Research Training Group cGMP: From Bedside to Bench (GRK 2381). Applications from graduates that hold a master’s degree in Molecular Medicine, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, or Pharmaceutical Sciences as well as graduates of related and equivalent courses of studies are welcome. A strong interest in the molecular functions, dynamics and pathophysiological relevance of cGMP and its effectors and how they drive or prevent cardiac disease states is clearly preferred. Further information can be found on our GRK 2381 Website. The application deadline is July 15, 2020.

A decision on the next cGMP Conference in 2021 has been made!

January, 2020

For more information follow this link to the updated conference website.

Talk by Prof. Mark Hollywood

January, 2020

Institute of Pharmacy, Auf der Morgenstelle 8, 72076 Tübingen, Room 7E02, 2nd floor  

On Wednesday, January 15th at 5:00 pm Mark Hollywood from the Smooth Muscle Research Centre Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland, will talk about "LINGO proteins - a new family of BK channel subunits".

Guests are cordially invited! 

Call for Papers by the British Journal of Pharmacology

January, 2020

Themed issue on “cGMP Signalling in Cell Growth and Survival”, with Robert Lukowski and Robert Feil as Guest Editors. For more information, please visit the BJP website

Merckle doctoral thesis award goes to Dr. Corinna J. Mohr

October, 2019

Congratulations to Corinna Mohr for receiving the Merckle doctoral thesis award and many thanks to Ludwig Merckle for sponsoring the prize. Well-deserved, Corinna!

Pharmacology & Therapeutics

July, 2019

Robert was being appointed as a Pharmacology & Therapeutics (P&T) Associate Editor. Together with Executive Editor Peter Holzer, Robert is going to identify possible authors and topics of interest to further increase the already outstanding profile of P&T (IF2018 = 9.396).

Promotion of Junior Researchers

July, 2019

Dr. Rebekka Ehinger has been awarded a start-up grant by the Promotion of Junior Researchers Program at the University of Tuebingen. Congratulations on your success in achieving this support for your research!

9th International Conference on cGMP

June, 2019

From June 14-16 the 9th International Conference on cGMP, which remains one of the leading meetings in the field, took place in Mainz / Budenheim. Again, exciting and largely unpublished basic science and clinical advances related to the cGMP pathway were presented and intensively discussed by >150 participants from all over the world.
The organizers are already looking forward to seeing all experts - as well as newcomers - in the cGMP field again in 2021. At this time we will "celebrate" the 10th anniversary of this sucessfull conference series on cGMP!

Open call for fully funded PhD positions

January, 2019

The University of Tübingen, Germany, has an open call for fully funded PhD positions starting July 1st, 2019. We are looking for highly motivated graduates to join our recently funded DFG Research Training Group cGMP: From Bedside to Bench (GRK 2381) aiming to gain critical new insights into cGMP’s role in cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological disorders. Further information can be found on our GRK 2381 Website. The application deadline is March 3rd, 2019.

DFG Research Training Group 2381

cGMP: From Bedside to Bench

November, 2018

The DFG supports a new Research Training Group (RTG) entitled “cGMP: From Bedside to Bench”. The objective of RTG 2381 is to translate clinical experience with cGMP drugs “back” from “bedside to bench” allowing for critical new insights into cGMP’s role in cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological disorders. Our fellows will be co-mentored by a principal investigator in Boston who works on a related topic and they will visit the partner laboratory for a period of three months. Please follow the link to the University´s News and the DFG Press Release for more information.

We recently updated the website for the next "Conference on cGMP" in Mainz, Germany 2019

October 25th, 2018

Please visit us on the internet at for more details.

29th Ion Channel Meeting in Sète, France

September, 2018

Corinna Mohr received the “Best Oral Presentation Award” at the 29th Ion Channel Meeting in Sète, France. Congratulations to the winner and thanks to the expert jury of the Ion Channel Association! To learn more about the program of the meeting follow the link to the Ion Channel Association.

Danish Ion Channel Symposium 2018

May, 2018

Rebekka was awarded a prize for the best poster by a PhD student at the 15th Ion Channel Symposium organized by the Department of Biomedical Sciences in Copenhagen. Congratulations on this great success!

Working Group of Experimental Pharmacology

May, 2018

Robert was appointed Full Professor of Experimental Pharmacology in May 2018. His research focuses on the impact of cGMP pathway modulation and Ca2+/Na+-activated K+ channels in animal models of disease and their utility in drug discovery applications. Follow this link to the University´s Newsletter for more details.

ICEPHA Graduate Program

The second call for the ICEPHA Graduate Program will be opened soon. Launching of follow-up projects is planned for November 2018. Please find more detailed information at the ICEPHA Website (

Hot Topics in Signal Transduction & cGMP Research

The meeting is organized by the PhD students of the FOR 2060 Research Unit. It will take place on October 8-10, 2018 in the Alte Aula in Tübingen. Young scientists are particularly welcome to participate. Registration is free until August 2018.

More info at

Natalie received a State Graduate Scholarship (LGFG) for her PhD project

The support from the LGFG will allow Natalie to study the in vivo roles of CRP4 in proliferative vascular diseases. Congratulations on your early career sucess Natalie!

The "9th International Conference on cGMP" will take place in Mainz, Germany 2019

Please visit us on the internet at for more details.

Merckle doctoral thesis award goes to Dr. Sandra Frankenreiter

Thursday, October 19th, 2017

Congratulations to Sandra Frankenreiter for receiving the Merckle doctoral thesis award and many thanks to Dr. Philipp Merckle for sponsoring the prize. Well-deserved, Sandra!

DFG FOR 2060 PhD student retreat

Our PhD students involved in the FOR 2060 research projects have organized a retreat at the University of Würzburg. They will meet (without their PIs) from November 24 - 26, 2017 to discuss ongoing work in our labs and to strenghten their individual scientific networks.

The web presence of the ICEPHA has been largely renewed

Please visit us at

CardiOvascular systems MEdicine (COME) Summer School

Anna Kuret and Natalie Zinn receive Travel Awards for the COME Summer School in Hamburg (September 2017). Well done Anna and Natalie!

Further information at

FOR 2060 Talk held by Prof. Dr. Jan Siemens (Pharmakologisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg)

Thursday, July 27th, 2017, 17:00 pm

The next International Conference on "cGMP" will be hosted in the city of Bamberg, Germany.

Please visit us on the internet at for more details.

Next ICEPHA Graduate Program meeting

October, 2016


FOR 2060 Meeting “New Developments in Signal Transduction & cGMP Research”

January 18th - 20th, 2015

The meeting is organized by the PhD students of the FOR 2060 and will take place on January 18-20, 2015 in a former monastery in Rottenburg am Neckar, Germany. The program includes talks of projects leaders of the research group and external speakers from academia and industry as well as short presentations and posters from PhD students and postdocs.

Details on registration and the program will follow soon.

The new ICEPHA Graduate Program has been launched

July, 2014

The ICEPHA Core members have approved the establishment of the Graduate Program Membrane-associated Drug Targets in Personalized Cancer Medicine. For an initial period of 3 years more than 20 PIs from Tübingen and the Campus of the Robert-Bosch-Hospital in Stuttgart will work together on 8 cutting-edge projects. We wish you all good success in your work.

For more details see:


Summer school: Tracking fast signalling processes in vivo

July 18 - 20th, 2014
The working groups of Peter Ruth and Robert Lukowski joined the Summer School "Tracking fast signalling processes in vivo – mechanisms, targets and tools" at the Benediktinerinnen-Abtei auf Frauenchiemsee. This Summer School was supported by the Excellence Initiative of the University of Tubingen.

Youth science competition winner Greta Markert (Baden-Baden) and Nathalie Rehse (Leverkusen) visited our research labs

June, 2014
With the help of our higly comitted and qualified students and our partners at the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University Hospital of Tübingen (Prof. Nürnberg), the Interfaculty Institute of Biochemistry (Prof. Feil), and at the Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute of Clinical Pharmacology (Prof. Schwab) we (almost) managed to satisfy their great thirst for knowledge.

We wish both of you the best for the future and we thank you for the kind evaluation of our efforts!


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