Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (ZMBP)

ZMBP News and Colloquia Archive


SFB 1101, Thursday, November 29th 2018, 13:00, Lecture hall N4, Morgenstelle 16

Laurent Noel, LIPM Toulouse, "Hydatodes, enigmatic plant organs infectet by vascular pathogens"

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SFB 1101, Thursday, November 22th 2018, 13:00, Lecture hall N4, Morgenstelle 16

Moritz Nowack, Ghent, "Things to do before you die - The regulation of developmental programmed…

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SFB 1101, Thursday, November 15th 2018, 13:00, Lecture hall N4, Morgenstelle 16

Regine Kahmann, MPI Marburg, "From mating type loci to essential virulence determinants in smut…

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Video: Der Vampir im Pflanzenreich!

Der parasitische Teufelszwirn umschlingt andere Pflanzen und saugt sie aus. Doch an der…

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How leaves talk to roots

New findings show that a micro RNA from the shoot keeps legume roots susceptible to symbiotic…

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SFB 1101, Thursday, November 8th 2018, 13:00, Lecture hall N4, Morgenstelle 3

Thomas Ott, Freiburg, "Molecular morphodynamics of symbiotic intracellular infections"

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SFB 1101, Thursday, September 13th 2018, 13:00, Lecture hall N11, Morgenstelle 3

Kaisa Kajala, Utrecht, "Tomato root cell type development in drought and flooding"

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SFB 1101, Thursday, August 9th 2018, 13:00, Lecture hall N11, Morgenstelle 3

Georg Petschenka, Giessen, "How insects coopt plant defenses: sequestration of phytotoxins as a…

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