Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (ZMBP)

ZMBP News and Colloquia Archive


Drei neue Starting Grants des Europäischen Forschungsrats

Projekte aus der Medizin, Biochemie sowie der Zell- und Molekularbiologie ausgezeichnet. Dr. Suayb…

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cancelled - SFB 1101, Thursday March 26th 2020, 13:00, 4U09

Grégory Vert, Toulouse, Proteasome-independent roles of ubiquitin in plants.

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The Plant Single Cell RNA-Sequencing Database

Research Group Timmermans. The Plant single cell RNA-Seq Browser provides a user-friendly platform…

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Cancelled - SFB 1101, Thursday March 12th 2020, 13:00, 4U09

Ive de Smet, Gent, The dynamic phosphoproteome during warm temperature-mediated growth in flowering…

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SFB 1101, Tuesday February 18th 2020, 13:00, 4U09

Kee-Hoon Sohn, Pohang. Molecular basis by which convergently evolved NLRs confer effector…

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SFB 1101, Thursday January 30th 2020, 13:00, N4

Alyona Minina, Heidelberg, Debulking the myth of plant autophagy: the role of selective self-eating…

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Timmermans - roadmap of the genes - Atlas der Gene

Researchers headed by the University of Tübingen create a roadmap of the genes which drive plant…

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SFB 1101, Thursday December 5th 2019, 13:00, 4U09, ZMBP

Tonni G. Andersen, Lausanne, Passage cells and the outer xylem pole: an overlooked highway for root…

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