Institut für Politikwissenschaft


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Vortrag Dr. Mechthild Roos, Politikwissenschaft, Universität Augsburg "Das Europäische Parlament vor 1979"

Studium Generale-Reihe "EU vote! Analysen anlässlich der Europawahl 2024" am Mittwoch, 18-20 Uhr…

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Departmental Seminar: "The Subaltern Strikes Back, or How Ukraine Is Claiming Agency from Russia and the EU"

Fabienne Bossuyt, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at Ghent University…

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Tübingen Lecture on Social Europe 2024: "Fighting for Social Europe while Europe is at War"

Prof. Philippe Van Parijs (Professor emeritus at the Faculty of economic, social and political…

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Studium Generale: "Ist das Europäische Parlament ein richtiges Parlament?"

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Gabriele Abels am kommenden Mittwoch, 24. April, 18-20 Uhr c.t., Hörsaal 25 im…

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EU vote! Analysen anlässlich der Europawahl 2024

Studium Generale-Reihe jeweils Mittwoch, 18-20 Uhr (c.t.), Hörsaal 25 im Kupferbau

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Departmental Seminar "Gender equality in the European Parliament"

Johanna Kantola on Wednesday, 24 April, 16:15-17:45, Room 124 or via Zoom

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Departmental Seminar: "The Dialectics of Hegemony and Resistance in the Re-Making of China-Taiwan relations"

Dr. André Beckershoff, Associate Fellow at the ERCCT in Tübingen on Wednesday, 31 January,…

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Departmental Seminar: "The Political Economy of Electricity: Between State Monopolies and the Global Infrastructure Scramble in Costa Rica and Tunisia"

Dr. Alke Jenss, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute in Freiburg. Wednesday, 24 January, 16:15-17:45, Room…

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