Baden-Württembergisches Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum


College of Fellows: events in February and workshops in March 2023

In the College of Fellows program, you will find several opportunities (online and in person) such as: Global Encounters Lecture, Humboldt Lecture, GIP Lecture and workshops with the themes “Engaging Sustainability” and “Religions in Global Encounters: Traditions and Ideologies”

  • Global Encounters Lecture

Dr. Abbed Kanoor:
"Return of Ideologies: A Critical Analysis in the Light of Intercultural Phenomenology"
Tue, 7 February 2023, 6.00 PM
Neue Aula, Großer Senat
(Geschwister Scholl Platz, Tübingen)
Read the abstract and more about the Global Encounters Lecture Series here!

  • Humboldt Lecture Series in winter 2022/23

Professor Han-luen Kantzer Komline (Protestant Theology):
-"The Idea of the New in Early Christian Thought"
Dr. Diana Liao (Biology):
"Vocal Flexibility in Crows"
Wed, 8 February 2023, 6.30 pm
Neue Aula, Großer Senat
Geschwister Scholl Platz, Tübingen
About the Humboldt Lecture Series:
Throughout the winter term, fellows of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation currently based in Tübingen present their research to a broader university audience. At each lecture, two fellows give their talk, afterwards, discussions and networking can be continued over drinks in the Kleiner Senat.
View the full programme and read more about the Humboldt Lecture Series here!


  • GIP Lecture (online)

Prof. Dr. Mathias Obert, National Sun Yat-Sen University Taiwan:
"Als Phänomenologe unterwegs in japanischen Gärten"
Thu, 23 February 2023, 12.00 pm (CET)
Online via Zoom
To participate, please send a short notice to:
A zoom-link will be sent to all those who registered one day before the lecture.


  • College of Fellows: workshops in March 2023

Engaging Sustainability, 30–31 March 2023
Organised by Dr Olusegun Samuel
Read more here!

Religions in Global Encounters: Traditions and Ideologies, 23–24 March 2023
Organised by Dr. Abbed Kanoor
Read more here!

