Baden-Württembergisches Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum


The II InovaBiotec – Innovation and Biotechnology Congress, promoted by Univates

The II InovaBiotec – Innovation and Biotechnology Congress, promoted by Univates' PPGBiotecnologia, was designed to contribute to the training of biotechnologists with different levels of training (undergraduate and graduate) and to create opportunities for interaction between researchers, entrepreneurs and investors in biotechnology. 

The event will take place between the 14th and 16th of July 2021, at the University of Vale do Taquari – Univates via an online platform. The program will include lectures on biobusiness and bioeconomy, with the participation of renowned researchers in the area, from several research HEIs, promoting interaction between all sectors of Biotechnology, encouraging research in partnership, approaching companies, and thus, strengthening interaction University -Industry. 

With a modern format, the event will also be an important platform for the dissemination of scientific research carried out in RS and Brazil.


