Baden-Württembergisches Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum


TSB Lecture (online 03.12): “From Algorithms to Antifungals: AI's Impact on Drug Discovery”

***Deutsche Version unten*** | *** Versão em português abaixo***

The next online seminar from the program Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America will take place on December 3rd at 15:00 (MEZ) - (11:00 Brazil) and will focus on the area of Natural Sciences and Medicine. 

The lecture has the participation of Prof. Dr. Vinícius G. Maltarollo, Federal University of Minas GeraisHe will put on the agenda the theme: “From Algorithms to Antifungals: AI's Impact on Drug Discovery”.
The program, an initiative of the Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America at the Universität Tübingen, aims to contribute to the internationalization of science and research. Scientists from several partner institutions will present their latest research data, promoting an integrated and constructive environment for scientific interaction and contributing global knowledge. The lectures of the Tübingen Science Bridge are aimed at professors and scientific researchers, graduate students, as well as a more the general audience.    

The online seminar is free of charge and will be held in English on the ZOOM platform, allowing for discussion and interaction.    

Register link:

About the speaker:
Adjunct Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Products of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Currently, he develops research projects related to the application of computational techniques to design drug candidates for the treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases and chronic diseases such as cancer and inflammation. He focuses on employing quantitative structure-activity relationship models (QSAR), 2D and 3D similarity models, machine learning, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics. In 2022, he was a visiting researcher at the University of Tübingen, Germany. He completed a postdoctoral internship at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at USP working with rational design of drugs that act on epigenetic targets for two years (2013-2015). 

He has Master's and PhD degrees in Science/Technology in Chemistry (2009 and 2013, respectively) from UFABC, having developed research projects related to the application of planning strategies for bioactive substances based on the structure of the ligand and receptor to develop PPAR delta receptor ligands as candidates to the treatment of metabolic diseases. Bachelor in Pharmacy and specialist in Drugs and Medicines (2007) from the University of Grande ABC. He worked for 10 years in the pharmaceutical market and more than 6 years teaching pharmacy and biological sciences at technical and higher levels


*** Versão em português ***      

O próximo evento on-line do programa Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America (Science and Medicine Edition) em 2024 acontecerá no dia 03 de dezembro às 11:00 (BRT) – (15:00 MEZ), tendo como foco a área da medicina e ciências naturais.       

A palestra terá a participação do Prof. Dr. Vinícius G. Maltarollo, Federal University of Minas Gerais. Em pauta estará o tema: “From Algorithms to Antifungals: AI's Impact on Drug Discovery”.

O programa, uma iniciativa do Centro Brasileiro e Latino-Americano de Baden-Württemberg da Universidade de Tübingen, tem como foco a internacionalização da ciência e da pesquisa. Cientistas de diversas instituições parceiras apresentam seus últimos dados de pesquisa, promovendo um ambiente integrado e construtivo da ciência e, ainda, disseminando o conhecimento global.

As palestras on-line do Tübingen Science Bridge são gratuitas e destinadas a professores e pesquisadores científicos, alunos de pós-graduação, como também para o público em geral. Os webinars acontecem em inglês na plataforma ZOOM para permitir a discussão e interação. 

Faça sua inscrição aqui


***Deutsche Version *** 

Das nächste Online-Seminar im Rahmen des Programms Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America wird am 3. Dezember um 15:00 (MEZ) – (11:00 BRT) stattfinden. 

Der Vortrag ordnet sich in dem Bereich Naturwissenschaften und Medizin ein und wird von Prof. Dr. Vinícius G. Maltarollo, Federal University of Minas Gerais gehalten. Das Thema des Vortrags lautet “From Algorithms to Antifungals: AI's Impact on Drug Discovery”.

Das Programm ist eine Initiative des Baden-Württembergischen Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum. Das Ziel gilt es um einen Beitrag zur Internationalisierung von Wissenschaft und Forschung leisten. Hochkarätige Wissenschaftler:innen der verschiedenen Partnerinstitutionen präsentieren ihre neuesten Forschungsergebnisse und tragen damit zu einer gemeinsamen und konstruktiven Basis für die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit bei.

Die Vorträge der Tübingen Science Bridge richten sich besonders an Hochschullehrer:innen und (Nachwuchs-)Wissenschaftler:innen, sowie an ein allgemeines wissenschaftlich interessiertes Publikum. Die Veranstaltungen finden auf Englisch über die Plattform ZOOM statt, um eine Diskussion und Interaktion zu ermöglichen.      

Registrieren Sie sich hier:
