Baden-Württembergisches Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum


Tübingen Research Takeoff: Advise and matchmaking sessions

As part of the program Tübingen Research Takeoff (TRT), during the application phase (specifically between November 07 - December 09, 2022), the Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America will offer orientation and advise for possible partners and partner institutions and provide virtual matchmaking sessions. For this possibility, please address your request to infospam

The Tübingen Research Takeoff (TRT) is the new program of the Center for Brazil and Latin America, which aims at the revitalization and diversification of the scientific cooperation of the University of Tübingen with Latin America through the sponsorship of project related joint activities of new research partners. The first call11/2022 will focus on Brazil and Chile. The projects approved by the selection committee will receive financial support to start the new collaboration. More information about the call Tübingen Research Takeoff (TRT):übingen-Research-Takeoff

Timeline TRT       

November 02, 2022: Call for applications        
November 07, 2022 – December 09, 2022: Orientation and matchmaking             (sessions offered by
Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin-America).
January 30, 2023: Deadline for submissions   
March 20, 2023: Announcement of results      
April 18, 2023: Funding agreement issued
