Baden-Württembergisches Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum


Tübingen Research Takeoff: Call for applications

Call Tübingen Research Takeoff (TRT) - promoting funding to support the exchange of researchers

The Tübingen Research Takeoff (TRT) is the new program of the Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America at the University of Tübingen, which aims at the revitalization and diversification of the scientific cooperation of the University of Tübingen with Latin America through the sponsorship of project related joint activities of new research partners. The first call11/2022 will focus on Brazil and Chile. The projects approved by the selection committee will receive financial support to start the new collaboration.

Timeline TRT
November 02, 2022: Call for applications
November 07, 2022 – December 09, 2022: Orientation and matchmaking (sessions offered by
Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin-America). More information here!
January 30, 2023: Deadline for submissions
March 20, 2023: Announcement of results
April 18, 2023: Funding agreement issued

For more information about the program Tübingen Research Takeoff - TRT (deadline, submission conditions, funding amount etc.),
click here!

Here you can access the TRT application form, which you must fill out and send to the e-mail: infospam 

***Call TRT SPRINT – FAPESP end University of Tübingen***

The first TRT call will be partially executed together with the São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP through a joint call in the SPRINT program (São Paulo Researchers in International Collaboration). SPRINT has the purpose of promoting the engagement of researchers affiliated to institutions of higher education and research in the State of São Paulo aiming at the elaboration of joint research projects of medium and long term in partnership with researchers abroad.
For more information about the call SPRINT 2nd Edition 2022, of FAPESP & University of Tübingen, click here!

Timeline Sprint
October 31, 2022: Call announced by FAPESP and University of Tübingen       
January 30, 2023: Deadline for submissions   
April 28, 2023: Announcement of results

May 20, 2023:
Funding agreement issued

