Baden-Württembergisches Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum


Tübingen Science Bridge: Agenda 2023

Save the Date: new lectures of TSB – Edition 2023

The Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America at the Universität Tübingen continues the successful program Tübingen Science Bridge - Latin America, which started in April 2022 in cooperation with partner universities in Latin America countries. The program includes as yet Tübingen's partner universities in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, and Mexico.

As before by 2022, the program aims to contribute to the internationalization of science and research. Scientists from several partner institutions will present their latest research data, promoting an integrated and constructive environment for scientific interaction and also contributing global knowledge.

The lectures of the Tübingen Science Bridge emphasize the importance of current scientific topics in international cooperation and are aimed at professors and scientific researchers, graduate students, as well as a more the general audience.

The online seminar will be held in English on the ZOOM platform in order to allow discussion and interaction.

***Deutsche Version ***

Das Baden-Württembergische Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum setzt das im April 2022 gestartete erfolgreiche Programm Tübingen Science Bridge - Latin America in Kooperation mit Partneruniversitäten in lateinamerikanischen Ländern fort. Das Programm umfasst bisher Tübinger Partneruniversitäten in Argentinien, Chile, Peru, Kolumbien und Mexiko.

Wie zuvor in Jahr 2022 will das Programm einen Beitrag zur Internationalisierung von Wissenschaft und Forschung leisten. Hochkarätige Wissenschaftler:innen der verschiedenen Partnerinstitutionen präsentieren ihre neuesten Forschungsergebnisse und tragen damit zu einer gemeinsamen und konstruktiven Basis für die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit bei.

Die Vorträge der Tübingen Science Bridge richten sich besonders an Hochschullehrer:innen und (Nachwuchs-)Wissenschaftler:innen, sowie an ein allgemeines wissenschaftlich interessiertes Publikum.         

Die Veranstaltungen finden auf Englisch über die Plattform ZOOM statt, um eine Diskussion und Interaktion zu ermöglichen.      

Save The Date: Agenda 2023
Weitere Informationen und Anmeldungen folgen in Kürze

Save the Date

TSB Humanities

TSB  Science and Medicine

Date: 19.07.

Title:“A bias network approach to articulate bias mitigation strategies in AI”
Time: 16:00 pm MEZ
Speaker: Prof. Gabriela Arriagada Bruneau  Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Register link:


Date: 18.10.

Title:"Civil Society organizations' perspectives on Artificial Intelligence in Brazilian Police: a historical perspective"
Time: 16:00 pm MEZ
Speaker: Prof.Paulo Terra   Universidade Federal Fluminense
Register link: cooming soon

Title: Morphology and function in extant and extinct organisms using micro-Computed Tomography”

Time: 10:00 am BRT (03:00 pm MEZ)  
Speaker: Dr. Gabriel Ferreira – University of Tübingen
Register link: coming soon

Date: 22.11.
information soon


Title:  to be announced

Time: 11:00 am BRT (03:00 pm MEZ)  
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Monika Schütz - University of Tübingen

Register link: coming soon


information soon

information soon



 Past events

TSB Humanities

TSB  Science and Medicine


Date: 01.03.

"Connectomic Reserve: The Secret Connections of the Brain"
Time: 11:00 am BRT (03:00 pm MEZ)       
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Roberto Lent, Full Professor of Neuroscience at UFRJ

Date: 19.04.

"Advances in predictive security and policing in Colombia"

Time: 11:00 am BRT (04:00 pm MEZ)  

Speaker: Francisco Gómez J PhD -  Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Date: 05.04.
 "Studies on parasites, reservoirs and vectors in the Amazon"

Time: 10:00 am BRT (03:00 pm MEZ) 

Speaker: Dr. Sergio Luiz Bessa Luz – FIOCRUZ/Amazon

Date: 17.05.

“(Audiovisual) discourses of Artificial Intelligence in the (Global) South(s)”
Time: 11:00 am BRT (16:00 pm MEZ)  
Speaker: Dr. Anne Burkhardt (RHET AI Center) at the University of Tübingen

Date: 03.05.

 “Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus: Moving beyond Competition”
Time: 10:00 am BRT (03:00 pm MEZ)  

Speaker: Dra. Paula Tribelli - University of Buenos Aires

Date: 21.06.
“Navigating the Ethics and Governance in Times of Generative AI Systems”.
Time: 11:00 am BRT (16:00 pm MEZ)  
Speaker: Dr. Ana María Castillo, University of Chile

"Ultracold Atoms Interacting with Optical Cavities: Inertial Sensing with Matter Waves and Collective Bistability"

Time: 10:00 am BRT (03:00 pm MEZ)  
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Philippe Wilhelm Courteille – University of São Paulo (USP)



"Biological soil crusts: uncovering a major driver of soil surface processes along the climatic gradient of Chile”

Time: 10:00 am BRT (03:00 pm MEZ)  
Speaker: Dr. Steffen Seitz – University of Tübingen

