Dr. Steffen Jenner
Steffen Jenner ist am 2. Februar 2022 gestorben.
Akademischer Werdegang
- Promotion zum Thema: "Why -- and how effectively -- do states support renewable energy?"
- Doktorväter: Prof. Josef Schmid (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), Richard B. Freeman (Harvard University Department of Economics)
- Studium der Politikwissenschaft, VWL und Soziologie in Tübingen und Arizona
- Studentische Hilfskraft (2006 - 2010) am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Josef Schmid.
- Aktuelle Position: Referent im Bundeswirtschaftsministerium. Zuvor: EU Kommission, Bundesumweltministerium.
- Energieökonomik und Technologie (Solar PV, Onshore Wind, Natural Gas)
- Public Choice
Stipendien und Awards
- Promotionspreis der Fakultät 2014
- IAEE Student Paper Award 2012
- U.S. Association for Energy Economics PhD Fellowship 2011 & 2012
German Academic International Network (GAIN) Stipendium, 2012
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung: Magister (2006-2010), Promotion (2011-2013), Ausland (2007, 2011-2012)
European Sustainability Award 2010
DAAD Promos 2010
Meckling, J.; Jenner, S. (2016). "Varieties of market-based policy: Instrument choice in climate policy." Environmental Politics Vol. 25 (5): 853-874. Download.
- Shrimali, G.; Chan, G.; Jenner, S.; Groba, F.; Indvik, J. (2015). "Evaluating Renewable Portfolio Standards for In-State Renewable Deployment: Accounting for Policy Heterogeneity." Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy Vol. 4 (2): 127-142.
- Buhr, D.; Frankenberger, R.; Jenner, S. & Stoy, V. (2013) (Hrsg.). Politik und Wirtschaft - eine Einführung. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart.
- Shrimali, G.; Jenner, S. (2013). "The Impact of State Policy on Deployment and Cost of Solar PV: A Sector-Specific Empirical Analysis." Renewable Energy, 60: 679-690. Download.
- Jenner, S.; Ovaere, L.; Schindele, S. (2013), "The impact of private interest contributions on RPS adoption." Economics & Politics, 25 (3): 411-423 Download.
- Jenner, S.; Lamadrid, A. J. (2013). "Shale gas vs. coal: Policy implications from environmental impact comparisons of shale gas, conventional gas, and coal on air, water, and land in the United States." Energy Policy 53 (2): 442-453. Download.
- Jenner, S.; Groba, F.; Indvik, J. (2013). "Assessing the Strength and Effectiveness of Renewable Electricity Feed-in-Tariffs in European Union Countries." Energy Policy 52(1): 385-401. Download.
- Jenner, S.; Chan, G.; Frankenberger, R.; Gabel, M. (2012). "What Drives States to Support Renewable Energy?" The Energy Journal 33(2): 1-12. Download.
Working Paper
- Bayer, B.; Schaeuble, D.; Langenheld, A.; Jenner, S. (2014). "Demand Response: What can we learn from California?" IASS Potsdam Working Paper, February 2014. Download.
- Shrimali, G.; Jenner, S.; Groba, F.; Chan, G.; Indvik, J. (2012). "Have State Renewable Portfolio Standards Really Worked? Synthesizing Past Policy Assessments to Build an Integrated Econometric Analysis of RPS effectiveness in the U.S." USAEE Working Paper No. 12-099. Download. Updated version available as DIW Discussion Paper #1258. Download.
- Shrimali, G.; Jenner, S. (2012). "The Impact of State Policy on Deployment and Cost of Solar PV: A Sector-Specific Empirical Analysis." USAEE Working Paper No. 12-142. Download.
- Jenner, S. (2012). "Did feed-in-tariffs work? An econometric assessment." Working Paper, SSRN. Download.
- Jenner, S.; Ovaere, L.; Schindele, S. (2012). "The impact of private interest contributions on energy policy making." Center for Economic Studies - Discussion Paper #12.09, KU Leuven, Belgium. Download.
Jenner, S.; Lamadrid, A. J. (2012). "Shale Gas vs. Coal." U.S. Association for Energy Economics. Working Paper Series. Download.
Groba, F.; Jenner, S.; Indvik, J. (2011). "Assessing the Strength and Effectiveness of Renewable Electricity Feed-in-Tariffs in European Union Countries." Discussion Paper # 1176, DIW Berlin. Download.
- Chan, G.; Gabel, M.; Jenner, S.; Schindele, S. (2011). “BRIC by BRIC. Governance and Energy Security in Developing Countries.” WIP-Paper Series # 47, University of Tübingen, Tübingen. Download.
Frankenberger, R.; Jenner, S. (2011). "Bad Climate Governance. Why Autocracies Won’t Stop Global Warming." Delivered at the 6th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 26, 2011.
Chan, G.; Gabel, M.; Jenner, S.; Schindele, S. (2010). “Power is Nothing Without Control.” Delivered at the Annual Conference of the German Political Science Association, Duisburg, Germany, September 21, 2010.
Gabel, M.; Jenner, S. (2009). “Wer bezahlt für unser Essen? Eine international vergleichende Studie zu den Gründen und Folgen von Staatseingriffen in den Agrarsektor im Rahmen der Neuen Politischen Ökonomie.” Master Thesis, University of Tübingen, Tübingen.
Jenner, S. (2009). "International Labor Rights and the Decent Work Agenda." WIP-Paper Series # 43, University of Tübingen, Tübingen.
Jenner, S. (2008). “Struggle for the Presidency. The 2000 Presidential Elections. Why the Winners were successful and the Losers were not.” WIP-Paper Series # 40, University of Tübingen, Tübingen.