Pharmazeutische Biologie

Dr. Yvonne Schmidt, licensed Pharmacist

PhD student from 01/2009 - 02/2013
PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2013: Investigations on the structure, biosynthesis and biology of antibacterial cyclic lipopeptides

Dr. Ghazaleh Jahanshah, Microbiologist

PhD student from 10/2012 - 09/2016
PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2016: Genome-driven search for Pseudomonas lipopeptides with special consideration of silent gene clusters
(generously supported by a 4 year DAAD PhD-scholarship)

PostDoc from 05/2017 - 12/2019

Dr. Judith Bauer, Food Chemist

PhD student from 10/2012 - 11/2016
PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2016: Genome mining for acetate-based bacterial secondary metabolites

Judith Bauer´s work was honored in 2017 with the ´PhD Award of the University of Tübingen´ (see picture) !

Dr. Norbert Kirchner, licensed Pharmacist

PhD student from 11/2012 - 12/2016
PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2016: Genome-driven investigation of NRPS-based peptides

Dr. Henrike Miess, Chemist

PhD student from 10/2012 – 03/2017

PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2017: Genome mining for guanidine-containing antimicrobial lipopeptides and studies on their biosynthesis

Dr. Julia Chen (née Paterson), Chemist

PhD student from 11/2012 – 04/2018

PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2018: Genome-driven investigation and isolation of NRPS-derived siderophores

Dr. Anina Buchmann, Biotechnologist

PhD student from 03/2014 – 08/2018

PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2018:  Biosynthesis of the Immunosuppressant Brasilicardin: Heterologous Expression, Molecular Investigations of the Gene Cluster and Mutasynthesis Studies

Anina´s work was honored in July 2018 with the ´Student Travel Award´ of The American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) (see picture) !

Dr. Andri Frediansyah, Biologist

PhD student from 05/2017 - 09/2020

PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2020: Genome-driven Search of Natural Products from Gram-negative Bacteria
(generously supported by a 3 year RISET-Pro PhD-scholarship)

Dr. Saefuddin Aziz, Biologist

PhD student from 10/2016 - 03/2021

PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2020: Chemical and Taxonomic Investigation of Indonesian Soil-dwelling Bacteria
(generously supported by a 4 year DAAD PhD-scholarship)

Dr. Junjing Jiao, Pharmacist

PhD student from 09/2017-06/2021
PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2021: Genomics-Driven Investigation of Three Classes of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from Burkholderia Species
(generously supported by a 4 years China Scholarship Council (CSC) PhD-scholarship)

Dr. Lina Assad, Pharmacist

PhD student from 03/2015-02/2021
PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2021: Exploration of Silent Biosynthetic Gene Clusters Encoding Yersiniabactin­-like Siderophores from the Strains Yersinia pseudotuberculosis YPIII and Bacillus velezensis FZB42 Employing TAR Technology-based Heterologous Expression

Dr. Niraj Aryal, Biotechnologist

PhD student from 10/2016 - 07/2021

PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2021: Unravelling the chemical diversity of actinobacteria obtained from unique Asian ecological niches

PostDoc from 08/2021 - 10/2021

(generously supported by a 4 year DAAD PhD-scholarship)

Dr. Hamada Saad, Chemist

PhD student from 06/2016 - 08/2021

PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2021: Expanding The Chemical Space of RiPPs in Rare Actinobacteria Employing a Tunable Metabologenomic Approach
(generously supported by a 2 years PhD-scholarship from the Egyptian government)

Hamada´s work was honored in 2021 with the "Merckle PhD Award in Pharmacy” of the “Ruth and Adolf Merckle Foundation”, Ulm, Germany

Dr. Carolina Cano-Prieto, Microbiologist

PostDoc from 02/2016 – 09/2021

Carolina was awarded with a Young Investigators Grant from the Microbiology Cluster of Excellence EXC-2124 “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” in 04/2020 to start her own independent research project

Dr. Patricia Arlt, Biotechnologist

PhD student from 05/2017 - 12/2021
PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2022: Studies on the Biosynthesis of Guanidine-Containing Cyclic Lipopeptides from Lysobacter spp.

Dr. Thomas Majer, licensed Pharmacist

PhD student from 01/2019-09/2022
PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2023: Structure Elucidation of Natural Products from Marine and Terrestrial Sources

Dr. Keshab Bhattarai, Chemist

PhD student from 10/2018 – 05/2023
PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2023: Chemical Investigation of Chytrid Fungi and Amphibian Skin Microbiome Bacteria
(generously supported by a 4 year DAAD PhD-scholarship)

PostDoc from 06/2023 – 12/2023


Dr. Jenny Dimelza Gómez Arrieta, Biochemist

PostDoc from 04/2022 – 01/2024

(generously supported by a PostDoc-Fellowship of the CEIBA Foundation)



Dr. Irina Helmle, Chemist

PhD student from 01/2017 – 09/2021
PhD thesis in Pharmaceutical Biology 2024: NMR-based Structure Elucidation of Lipopeptides and their Molecular Interaction with Targets





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