Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (ZMBP)

Luc Measurement Kinetic Organizer

To prepare tabular and tabular kinetic data for analysis in JMP


This is a GUI version of my scripts that convert plate reader output into a ready format needed by statistical programs like JMP®(SAS) or IBM®SPSS.  The program is written in Java, but does not need an internet connection to run; it's just a GUI wrap for text manipulation. But, since it is a GUI, we can use drag drop functions to add our data. The data have to be prepared by the user as text files. This is very simple to do using the templates provided and following the instructions provided below. This program is the script mentioned in the publication: Wallmeroth and Jeschke et al., 2019; PMID: 30742656. This open source project is licensed under the GPLv3.


Figure 1. The Basic Idea

Your plate reader output needs to be graphed and analyzed. After drafting and the final output is a tab-delimited table that can be directly imported into JMP® or SPSS for analysis.

The idea is that graphing and primary statistical analysis in JMP® or SPSS is a much more intuitive and effective means of fondling your data to discover relationships as well as presenting it. But, input is made of columns of a specific datatype, followed by rows with the properties of individual items. When working with plate readers we can easily generate a lot of information, especially if one performs kinetic measurements, and this data is not usually in the format needed for JMP® or SPSS. One could move all the data by hand or use other programs/scripts to move the data around or even use the native analysis programs that many plate readers already come with, but the former is too time consuming and the latter usually means that someone is blocking the machine. The Luc Measurement Kinetic Organizer solves this problem.

So, the data input and labels need to be in text files. A text file is a file that encodes only text, no colors, highlights, etc. This means that the basic idea is to open the output using a spreadsheet program of your choice and copy the data in the correct format into a text file using a simple text editor e.g. Notepad(Editor) or Notepad++. I recommend using UTF-8 format, but ASCII is also find in most cases. In addition, we need to have a way to label all of the wells in a multi-well plate. This is also done in a spread sheet program first, as it is much easier to label and mark things in color if it helps you keep track of what is what, and then copy the table into a text file as well. The text file will ignore all the color or lines of course. Once you have your data text file and your labels text file you are ready to use the program.

Figure 2. Explanation of the GUI interface.

Download items

 You can download the files here:

    Program (jar)
    TEMPLATE file (xlsx)
    QuickGuide (pdf)
    Tutorial (pdf)
    Source Code (zip)

© 2019 Kenneth W. Berendzen, Uni-Tuebingen, ZMBP.


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