Neuere Geschichte

Abgeschlossene Sommer- bzw. Winterkurse

Mitglieder des Seminars für Neuere Geschichte haben folgende, bereits abgeschlossene Sommer- bzw. Winterkurse organisiert:


Beyond Businesses: Agency, Political Economy & Investors, c.1850–1970, Tübingen, 20.–22. September 2017

Business history and economic history have been distinct disciplines, separate from both economics and organizational studies, for over three-quarters of a century. They have developed a rich and varied historiography that has helped to answer and contextualize some of the largest questions of the last two centuries. These include explaining rapid technological changes of the industrial and information ages, the globalization of financial and production markets, and, not least, the rise of Capitalism itself. However, recent trends have in some cases deepened the divide with "traditional" history and historiography. For instance, business history has often found its natural home in business schools rather than history departments, while economic history is increasingly undertaken in a highly quantitative manner in economics, rather than history, faculties. However, while much work remains to be done to redress the balance, new approaches from historians are starting to re-bridge the divide. We believe historians engaged in archival research have much to offer business and economic topics, and it is work in this area that this summer school intends to foster. [mehr]

Organisiert von Dr. Daniel Menning (Tübingen) und Dr. Christopher Miller (Glasgow) mit finanzieller Unterstützung des Zukunftskonzepts (ZUK 63) der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.

Global Frontiers, Tübingen, 15.–17. November 2017

In 1893, the US historian Frederick Jackson Turner announced the closing of the United States frontier and "with its going … the first period of American history." The motif of the frontier, which Turner considered to be a fount of US American distinctiveness and vigour, continues to exercise a powerful hold on the public imagination. It has been adopted by communities world-wide, informing German imperialism from the late 1800s to around World War II, American cultural influence in midcentury Japan, support for the Space Race during the 1960s, and the German PEGIDA movement as well as the refugee crises of 2015 and 2016. Turner's original reflections on the concept, in like manner, have left a strong mark on scholarly debates which not only significantly challenged Turner's United States-centrism, for example employing the concept to assess assumed civilizational divides between "the West" and "Islam", but has also pushed scholars to come to terms with different types of boundaries—not only geographic but social, racial, ethnic and cultural—as well as their effectiveness. The frontier paradigm and related concepts such as Oscar Martinez's borderland continue to foster new and enriched conversations on topics like the environment, first contacts, colonial theory, commercial and cultural exchange, and technological development. Yet, while the theme has blossomed outward to embrace new peoples, places and periods, thereafter its continued development often has remained confined to these specialized niches. The Winter School Global Frontiers aims to reunite the research of scholars working on the theme of the frontier across a variety of disciplines. [mehr]

Organisiert von Dr. Daniel Menning (Tübingen), Dr. Kristin Condotta Lee (St. Louis) und Dr. Tobias Graf (Tübingen/Heidelberg) mit finanzieller Unterstützung des Zukunftskonzepts (ZUK 63) der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen und des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD).