Terrestrische Paläoklimatologie

Geologischer Kontext


Gross M., Böhme M., Havlik P., Aiglstorfer M., 2014: The late Middle Miocene (Sarmatian s.str.) fossil site Gratkorn – the first decade of research, geology, stratigraphy and vertebrate fauna. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 94: 5-20.

Gross, M., Böhme, M. & Prieto, J. (2011): Gratkorn – a benchmark locality for the continental Sarmatian s.str. of the Central Paratethys.- International Journal of Earth Sciences 100: 1895-1913. DOI 10.1007/s00531-010-0615-1

Prieto J., Böhme, M & Gross, M. (2010): The cricetid rodents from Gratkorn (Austria, Styria): a benchmark locality for the continental Sarmatian sensu stricto. (late Middle Miocene) in the central Paratethys.- Geologica Carpathica 61(5): 419-436.