Institute of Media Studies

The Media Studies Student Council

What we do

Our main job as a student council is to be there for you - the students of media studies. We consider ourselves a mouthpiece of the students, but also as a mediator of interests between media students and lecturers. We are in regular contact with the faculty staff to both share our impressions of the university life and learn what is on the minds of the lecturers or what is currently happening in the institute. We are also always open to problems, uncertainties, and answering questions about organization of studies or university life.

We delegate two student representatives to the Student Council General Assembly, in which we advocate the interests of media studies. We are also part of the Institute of Media Studies’  Advisory Board and maintain contact with the Brechtbauplenum, though we are not part of it ourselves.

At the beginning of every winter semester, we offer an orientation week for new students to get to know the city, the university and each other. We also organise events that enable students and faculty staff to look beyond the horizon of daily university life, for instance with the series “media professionals up close”: in a relaxing atmosphere, media workers in practice talk about their experiences and everyday work. Moreover, these media workers regularly offer practical workshops that are organized by our student council. These include photography courses or financial planning during your studies.

Your student council on Instagram

Learn everything about the newest events on our Instagram account. We offer a variety of them, including Clubhaus parties, Schafparties, summer networking meetings, Christmas celebrations, movie nights or bar hopping and usually announce them on Instagram. But we are also happy to answer questions about your studies on Instagram – so follow us now to make sure you don’t miss anything!

Want to join us?

We are always happy about new members – also during the semester! Feel free to come to a non-binding student council meeting and get a taste. You are also welcome to talk to us personally during events or text us via Instagram or e-mail.