Internship Abroad
Do you want to do an internship abroad? Then we recommend you take a look at the info page of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) on internships abroad:
DAAD: Praktika im Ausland (German website)
It may also be possible to receive ERASMUS funding for an internship abroad. Information on this is available from the International Office at the University of Tübingen:
Uni Tübingen: Auslandspraktika (German website)
If your internship abroad is funded by ERASMUS, you will need to obtain a signature from the subject coordinator during the application process. As a Media Studies student, your contact point for this is the Departmental Exchange Coordination Team.
How to find a position for an internship abroad?
In order to find internships abroad, the “Tübinger Praxisportal” can be a good place to start. If you log in there with your university ID, you can limit the selection to "Only projects in EN" - this makes it easier for you to search for offers from abroad.
Praxisportal der Uni Tübingen (German and English website available)