Institute of Sports Science



ERASMUS Lump Sum Grant

Together with a consortium of applicants, Dr. Verena Burk (AB 1) has successfully acquired an…

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Machine learning methods for identifying football fans

Researchers from Germany and UK develop a new method for detecting fans from sentiment in Tweets and…

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Tübingen Lectures in Sport Economics

Researchers of the Molde University College and the Lancaster University will talk about their…

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Dance project in Marseille: Tübingen students perform internationally

From April 14 to 22, ten dancers from the Sports Institute, led by Sandra Dreher Mansur, the subject…

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International Sport Management Game

Supervised by Dr. Ute Schüttoff 20 Bachelor students participated in the International Sport…

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IfS work retreat 2024

On 16 and 17 April, the IfS held a work retreat for all members of the institute (scientific staff,…

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Sport Management Master worldwide in Top 15 list

The Sport Management master programme at the University of Tübingen is again included in the…

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New Research Grant in Sport Economics

The German Federal Institute of Sports Science (BISp) recently awarded a research grant for a new…

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Seed Fund in ‘Data Science and Sports’

The Universities of Tübingen and North Carolina at Chapel Hill initiated a new collaboration in…

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Organizational change in sports federations

As part of the course “Structural Challenges of Organizational Development in Sports” taught by Dr.…

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SGM Annual Report 2023 published

At the beginning of the year, Student Health Management published its 2023 annual report.

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CIVIS - Blended Intensive Program successfully realized

First-time Blended Intensive Program “The Role of Sport and Exercise on Mental Health” in the…

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RadCHECKER:INNEN wanted for the RadCHECK event 2024!

Become a RadCHECKER:IN at this year's RadCHECK event 2024!

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Tübingen Lectures in Sport Economics

Researchers of the Paris School of Economics and the Management School of the University of…

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Sustainable Sports Facility Management

As part of the "Sports Facility Management"-course taught by Professor Tim Pawlowski, a group of…

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The Global Game – How exhibition games drive consumer interest

A new study from the Institute of Sports Science delves into the impact of overseas exhibition…

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International Summer School „Talent Development and Coaching in Sport”

Shortly before the start of the semester, an international 'Summer School' on Talent Development and…

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DFG Research Grant in Sport Economics

The German Research Foundation (DFG) recently awarded a research grant for a new project in sport…

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Trust within boards of voluntary sport governing bodies

A research paper by Marcel Fahrner (Institute of Sports Science) examines conditions and mechanisms…

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How emotions drive viewer demand in sports entertainment

A new study from the Institute of Sports Science delves into the realm of consumer behavior in…

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Economic sustainability of sport (mega) events

Invited by the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), Professor Tim Pawlowski presented a…

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Successful Early Career Researchers in Sports Economics

Kenneth Colombe receives a Decision Education Research Scholarship Award by the renowned Alliance…

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(No) effect of sports related public expenditures on sports participation

In a joint project, researchers from the University of Tübingen (Institute of Sports Science, PI:…

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Tübingen Lectures in Sport Economics

In this term, researchers from England and the Netherlands will talk about their current research.

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IfS students organise German University Championship in table tennis

From May 19 to 21, 2023, the University of Tübingen hosted this year's German University…

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Guest at the Institute of Sports Science Tübingen: Prof. Dr. Unutmaz (Ege-University Izmir)

From May 22 to 26, 2023, Assist. Prof. Dr. Volkan Unutmaz from Ege University Izmir (Türkiye) was a…

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More than 40 students from Tübingen participated in the Sport Management Game in Groningen

Supervised by Dr. Ute Schüttoff, students from all Bachelor programs in sports science participated…

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University Dual Career Support Services for Student-Athletes

A joint research paper by Marcel Fahrner and Verena Burk (both Institute of Sports Science) explores…

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Shanghai Ranking 2022: Top place for sports science of the University of Tübingen

In the Shanghai Ranking "2022 Global Ranking Sport Science Schools and Departments", the Institute…

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New coaching option in the VfB Club Management Programme

The VfB Club Management Programme now offers students in the Master of Sport Management exclusive…

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Corporate Health Award 2022: BeTaBalance belongs to the excellence class

Student health management at the University of Tübingen honored in the special "Healthy University"…

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Sport Management Master worldwide in Top 20 list

The Sport Management master programme at the University of Tübingen is again included in the…

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Innovation and sustainability in arena management

As integral part of the "Sports Facility Management" Seminar taught by Professor Tim Pawlowski, a…

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Tübingen Lectures in Sport Economics

In this winter term, researchers from the US, England and the Netherlands will talk about their…

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Is there a competition between US networks for soccer viewers?

Utilizing audience data for Bundesliga telecasts in the US during 2016–2018, Georgios Nalbantis, Tim…

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Report on the Annual Conference of the dvs commission for health in Tübingen

For the first time since 2019, the annual conference of the Exercise and Health commission in the…

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Conference "Poly-Pill Exercise – Opportunities, Risks and Side Effects" in September in Tübingen

From 14 to 16 September 2022, the annual conference of the Exercise & Health Commission of the…

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Challenging German physical education teacher educators' health-related beliefs through Cooperative Planning

A recent study by Julia Hapke (Tübingen), Clemens Töpfer (University of Jena) and Julia Lohmann…

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On the development of streaming services in sports

Interview with Dr. Marcel Fahrner on the development of streaming services in the sports market.

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Countries’ political relations and the demand for relocated soccer games

A new study by Felix Otto, Georgios Nalbantis, and Tim Pawlowski (Institute of Sports Science)…

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Tübingen Lectures in Sport Economics

Summer lectures by renowned researchers from Switzerland and Norway on the effects of sports and…

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Contributing to VfB Stuttgart women’s football

Tübingen students in sport management – a B.Sc.-program at the Institute of Sports Science – have…

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International Sport Management Game in Groningen

Supervised by Dr. Ute Schüttoff, overall 40 Bachelor of Science-students from all three profiles in…

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Tübinger students win International Case Study Competition

On 23 March 2022, a team of M.Sc. Sport Management students from Tübingen won the finals of an…

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Presenting the Institute for Sports Science

A new film by the Center for Media Competence presents the Tübingen Institute of Sports Science.

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Digitalization of sport clubs

Interview with Dr. Marcel Fahrner on the digitalization of sport clubs.

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‘The Economist’ features updated results of ski jumping study

The magazine ‘The Economist’ features updated results of a study on professional ski jumping which…

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Competition and fan substitution between professional sports leagues

Tim Wallrafen, Georgios Nalbantis, and Tim Pawlowski (Institute of Sports Science) publish results…

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New in the program: The HSP Media Library

Since today the media library of the university sports is online. Sports enthusiasts now have the…

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Tübingen Lectures in Sport Economics

Online winter lectures by renowned researchers from Australia and the US on implementing mixture…

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Learning by doing - IfS students produce the livestream of the Tigers Tübingen

A group of students of the Sports Science Bachelor program with focus on Media and Communication is…

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Professional catering in the Mercedes-Benz Arena

On-site visit enables students to gain interesting insights into professional sports facility…

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3ex-Program: exchange, explore, exercise!

This course offering is aimed at international students - especially Degree Seeking Students und…

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New Frontiers Research Topic

Frontiers Research Topic “Bio-psycho-social Perspectives on the Individual Response to Physical…

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Discussion about sport streaming services on TV

Last Monday Dr. Marcel Fahrner was invited as expert in a broadcast by Hessischer Rundfunk (HR).

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New Club Management Program for Tübingen students will start in Fall 2021

1.9.21 - A new Club Management Program – recently launched by the VfB Stuttgart Akademie – offers…

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On Club Members’ Voting Behaviour in Professional Football

5.7.2021 – Dennis Coates (University of Maryland Baltimore County), Marcel Fahrner, and Tim…

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Doping, Trust in Fairness and the Demand for Sports

2.7.2021 – A new study by Felix Otto, Tim Pawlowski (both Institute of Sports Science), and Sonja…

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Tübingen Lectures in Sport Economics

3.6.2021 – Online summer lectures by three renowned Sport Economists on current issues in sports…

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Labor market effects of sports related public expenditures

27.5.2021 – A study jointly funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Swiss National…

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US Country Report published by the Federal Agency for Civic Education

26.5.2021 - Marcel Fahrner and Tim Pawlowski discuss the organization and relevance of sports in the…

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International Sport Management Game “Great North Run 2021”

26.4.2021 - The management game was organized by international partners and took place between 19th…

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Sport Management Master worldwide in Top 20 list

The Sport Management master programme at the University of Tübingen is again included in the…

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International media features study on professional ski jumping

11.03.2021 – Judges in ski jumping assign significantly higher scores to their compatriots. This…

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Master Students ranked 1st in Sport Management Case Study Competition

22.12.2020 - At the beginning of December 2020, the final round of the sport management case study…

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New Findings on the Effects of Organisational Change in Sports

21.12.2020 – Marcel Fahrner and Lara Lesch publish new findings on the effects of organisational…

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The Premier League and its 'Big Six'

Tim Pawlowski recently commented in the British newspaper The Telegraph on the relevance of title…

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Given the choice: on-site or on-screen spectator sports?

25.9.20: A new research project explores whether live broadcasts were considered as a substitute for…

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Alumni reaches Champions League Final

9.9.20: From Tübingen to the final of the UEFA Women's Champions League in San Sebastián (Spain) –…

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COVID-19 and the sports industry

8.7.2020 – Yesterday evening, Tim Pawlowski (Professor of Sport Economics at the University of…

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COVID-19, sports and labour markets

24.6.2020 – The COVID-19 pandemic has far-reaching consequences for societies and economies…

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New Insights on Trust within Sport NGB Boards

Marcel Fahrner and Spencer Harris (University of Colorado) publish results of a study examining the…

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VDS young talent award for Markus Sutera

The Institute of Sports Science congratulates Markus Sutera (Alumni of the B.A. program in Sport…

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German magazine features new study on professional ski jumping

Judges in ski jumping assign significantly higher scores to their compatriots. This nationalistic…

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New insights on crisis communication in sports

In an interdisciplinary research project, Sonja Utz, Felix Otto, and Tim Pawlowski make use of the…

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SWR Sport – Economic and Social Aspects of Sports

Marcel Fahrner and Ansgar Thiel in discussion with SWR sport journalist Michael Bollenbacher about…

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Managing sport communication in the age of digital media

Verena Burk and Marcel Fahrner recently published a chapter in the handbook “Managing Sport Across…

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Implementation of a Data Science and Sports Lab

A Data Science and Sports Lab has been established at the University of Tübingen. Several…

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PhD position in Sport Economics

PhD position at the Institute of Sports Science at the University of Tübingen

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New Edition of the Handbook “Sports Science”

The handbook "Sports Science", edited by Verena Burk and Marcel Fahrner, will be published on 17…

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The Institute congratulates Alina Böhm for becoming German Champion

Alina Böhm, student in the B.A. Sports Science study program (specialization in Sport Media and…

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PhD position in sports economics

PhD position funded by the Cluster of Excellence ‘Machine Learning – New Perspectives for Science’.

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Cluster of Excellence Innovation Fund

Research grant for a joint project by Tim Pawlowski and Augustin Kelava.

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Live stream production by students for the Tigers Tübingen

Since the beginning of the 2019/2020 season, students of the Sports Science Bachelor program with…

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Guest talk by Prof. Dr. Dennis Coates

On Tuesday, 7 January 2020, Dennis Coates gave a lecture on "The Wisdom of Crowds and Transfer…

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2nd Place in Sport Management Case Study Competition

On 9 December 2019, the final round of the sport management case study competition took place at the…

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Sports Federations: live broadcast of panel discussion

On 19 November 2019, representatives from various fields, such as sports, politics, media and…

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Guest talk by Prof. Dr. Juan D. Moreno-Ternero

On Tuesday, 12 November 2019, Juan D. Moreno-Ternero spoke on the topic "Sharing the revenues from…

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On-site visit: arena management in Stuttgart

International students visited multifunctional sports arenas in Stuttgart

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Tübingen/Tokyo: M.Sc. Sport Management

After having successfully completed their studies abroad at the Graduate School of Business (Rikkyo…

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Erfolgreiche Promotion und Forschungspreis für Judith Wais

Im Oktober 2019 gibt es für Judith Wais (geb. Deprins) zwei akademischen Gründe zum Feiern.

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The SAGE Handbook of Sports Economics

Tim Pawlowski is co-editor of the newly released SAGE Handbook of Sports Economics.

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JProf. Julia Hapke und gekos-Projekt im TüSE-Newsletter

JProf. Julia Hapke im Gespräch mit Sibylle Meissner (Tübinger School of Education) und das gekos…

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BMBF-Verbundprojekt BGM vital gestartet

Das BMBF-Verbundprojekt BGM vital startete mit dem Ziel, Handlungshilfen für zielgruppenorientiertes…

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Sport Management Master worldwide in Top 20 list

The Sport Management Master program at the University of Tübingen received for the first time four…

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Event Management in the Mercedes-Benz Arena

Guest talk by Torsten Reissig at the Institute of Sports Science.

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Spiegel journalist Jörg Schmitt visited IfS

On 25th of June, Jörg Schmitt, investigative coordinator at the news magazine Der Spiegel, visited…

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An economic view on women’s football

By increasing the media presence and developing appropriate marketing campaigns, there is certainly…

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Sport Management Game in Groningen

Supervised by Dr. Ute Schüttoff 20 Bachelor students of the study programs in Sports Science…

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New insights on context-specific competencies in sport management

Competencies are a central part of modern business in almost every industry and organisation and,…

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