Institute of Sports Science

PD Dr. Marcel Fahrner

Institute of Sports Science
Wächterstraße 67,
3rd Floor, Room 301
  07071 29-72632
Consultation Times (PDF)

Main research

  • Sport governance
  • Organisational development in sport
  • Competencies in sport education and management

Short vita

Habilitation ("venia legendi" in Sports Science)

University of Tübingen, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Since 2012
Senior Lecturer

University of Tübingen

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Tübingen

Doctoral Degree in Social Sciences

University of Tübingen

Research Assistant

University of Tübingen

Project Associate “High-performance sport: An international comparison”

University of Tübingen

Magister Artium in Sports Science, Business administration, Civil law

Selected publications

Journal articles (peer reviewed journals)

  • Fahrner, M. (2024). Conditions and Mechanisms of Trust Within Boards of Voluntary Sport Governing Bodies. Sport Management Review, 27(1), 130–149.
  • Fahrner, M., & Burk, V. (2023). Relevance of University Dual Career Support Services – Student-Athletes’ Perspectives. Managing Sport and Leisure. Advance online publication.
  • Coates, D., Fahrner, M., & Pawlowski, T. (2023). Decision-making in professional football: An empirical analysis of club members’ voting behaviour. European Sport Management Quarterly, 23(4), 923–941.
  • Fahrner, M. (2023). In Bewegung (gekommen): Zum organisationalen Wandel von Sportverbänden [On the move: Looking at the organisational change of sport governing bodies]. Sport und Gesellschaft – Sport and Society, 20(1), 83–91.
  • Fahrner, M., & Harris, S. (2021). Trust within sport NGB boards: Association with board structure and board member characteristics. European Sport Management Quarterly, 21(4), 523–543.
  • Fahrner, M., & Lesch, L. (2020). Organisationaler Wandel von Sportverbänden durch Änderungen in Vorstand und Vertretung (§ 26 BGB) – Eine Analyse am Beispiel des Deutschen Handballbundes [Organisational change of sports federations through changes regarding board and representation (§ 26 BGB) – An analysis using the example of the German Handball Federation]. Sport und Gesellschaft – Sport and Society, 17(3), 263–291.
  • Fahrner, M., & Schüttoff, U. (2020). Analysing the context-specific relevance of competencies – Sport management alumni perspectives. European Sport Management Quarterly, 20(3), 344–363.
  • Fahrner, M., & Klenk, C. (2018). Multilevel policy implementation: Exploring organisational coordination — the case of the German Swimming Federation’s National Training Framework implementation. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 10(3), 549–566.
  • Nalbantis, G., Fahrner, M., & Pawlowski, T. (2017). The Demand for Licensed Merchandise in Sports – On the Purchase Channel Choice. Journal of Sport Management, 31(5), 433–451.

Journal articles

  • Fahrner, M. (2017). Ausdauertraining: Reflexion im Sportunterricht [Endurance training: Reflection in physical education]. SportPraxis: Die Fachzeitschrift für Sportlehrer, Übungsleiter und Trainer, 58(7-8), 16-19.
  • Fahrner, M. (2016). Kompetenzorientiert Sport unterrichten [Competency-oriented teaching of sports]. SportPraxis: Die Fachzeitschrift für Sportlehrer, Übungsleiter und Trainer, 57(5-6), 50-53.


  • Burk, V., & Fahrner, M. (Hrsg.). (2020). Einführung in die Sportwissenschaft (2. Auflage) [Introduction in Sports Science]. UVK.
  • Pawlowski, T., & Fahrner, M. (Hrsg.). (2017). Arbeitsmarkt und Sport – eine ökonomische Betrachtung. Sport Labor Economics (Sportökonomie Band 19). Hofmann.
  • Fahrner, M. (2014). Teamsportmanagement [Teamsport Management]. Oldenbourg.
  • Fahrner, M. (2014). Grundlagen des Sportmanagements (2. Auflage) [Principles of Sport Management, 2nd edition]. Oldenbourg.

Book chapters

  • Burk, V., & Fahrner, M. (2020). Managing sports communication in the age of digital media. In A. Goslin, D. A. Kluka, R. Lopéz de D’Amico, & K. Danylchuk (Hrsg.), Managing Sport Across Borders (pp. 64-82). Routledge.
  • Fahrner, M., & Schüttoff, U. (2019). Kontextspezifische Relevanz von Kompetenzen: Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Befunde aus der Perspektive von Sportmanagern. In J. Königstorfer (Hrsg.), Innovationsökonomie und -management im Sport (S. 11–28). Hofmann.
  • Pawlowski, T., & Fahrner, M. (2014). Political Economy of Football. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Singapore (Ed.), More than a Game. Sports, Society and Politics (pp. 53-60). Select Books.

Functions and memberships

  • Program manager B.Sc. Sports Science with profile Sport Management and M.Sc. Sport Management at the Institute of Sports Science Tübingen
  • Cross-programme subject coordinator “Swimming” at the Institute of Sports Science Tübingen
  • Representative of the scientific personnel in the Advisory Board of the Institute of Sports Science Tübingen
  • Ad-hoc reviewer for scientific journals (e.g. European Sport Management Quarterly, European Journal for Sport and Society, European Journal of Sport Science, Current Issues in Sport Science)
  • Member of the European Association of Sport Management (EASM)
  • Member of the Presidential Commission Administration/Finance of the German Athletics Federation (DLV)