Self-organization and Optimality in Neural Networks
Principles of neuronal self-organization
The central theme of my lab is to discover the principles of neuronal dynamics. To this end, we use models of different complexity and multiple data-analysis technics. We believe in a substantial contribution of self-organization to defining the neural dynamics. We are aiming at uncovering how different constraints shape this self-organization.
Main topics
- Excitatory/Inhibitory networks
- Computation close to criticality
- State-dependant neural computations
- Neural constraints and self-organization
- Networks structure and subsampling
- Collective dynamics and emergence
Selected Publications
- Zeraati, R., Engel, TA., Levina, A. (2022) A flexible Bayesian framework for unbiased estimation of timescales, Nature Computational Science 2 (3), 193-204
- N Sukenik*,O Vinogradov*,E Weinreb, M Segal, A Levina** & E Moses** (2021) Neuronal circuits overcome imbalance in excitation and inhibition by adjusting connection numbers /Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 /(12),
- J Zierenberg, J Wilting, V Priesemann, A Levina (2020). Tailored ensembles of neural networks optimize sensitivity to stimulus statistics /Physical Review Research,/ 2 (1).
- Fardet, T., & Levina, A. (2020). Simple models including energy and spike constraints reproduce complex activity patterns and metabolic disruptions /PLoS computational biology/, /16 /(12).
- A Levina, V Priesemann (2017). Subsampling scaling /Nature communications/, 8 (1), 1-9