Werner Reichardt Centrum für Integrative Neurowissenschaften (CIN)

HIH-CIN Imaging Cluster

The HIH-CIN Imaging Cluster is a newly established unit that provides microscopic imaging support. At the moment we work with confocal and wide-field microscopes. Our users are HIH and CIN researchers, their collaboration partners and external scientists from several locations in Tübingen.

We support microscopic imaging with open access:

  • Microscope selection and sample preparation
  • Acquisition, image processing, visualization and data analysis with available software (Fiji, Imaris, Huygens, Ilastik etc.)
  • We also assist with image preparation for publications

In addition to daily support, we teach light microscopy to medical doctors and students and offer open workshops in collaboration with our internal and external partners.

Booking: After instruction, most of our microscopes are bookable through the Medical School's shared PPMS system.