

How is your PhD-thesis going?

How are doctoral students at the University of Tübingen doing? How strongly does mental well-being influence the state of health and also the course of the doctorate? In the interactive workshop, doctoral candidates have the opportunity to discuss their mental health during the doctoral process. What could/should be adapted at the university to better support doctoral candidates in the future?

Date: Tue., 11/26, 6 - 7 pm (in Person)  or  Wed., 11/27, 6 - 7 pm (online)
Location: University Library, Seminar room in front of the Ammerbaubrücke (former PC pool) or online via Zoom (Contact: nina.effenberger@uni-tuebingen.de)
Language: English
Organizer: Sustainability
Registration: not required

Meditation for beginners

Do you want to immerse yourself in the world of meditation? Then the “Meditation for beginners” workshop is the right thing for you! In four hours, you will gain access to the topic, receive theoretical input and try out various forms of meditation through practical exercises! 

Date: Sat., 11/30, 10 am - 2 pm
Location: Institute of Sport Science, Wilhelmstr. 124, Gymnastikhalle 
Language: German
Organizer: University Sports Center, Trainer: Viola Grötz

Mental Health First Aid

In the MHFA First Aid course you will learn how to recognize and deal with mental disorders in relatives, friends and colleagues. You will acquire a basic knowledge of various mental disorders and crises and learn how to provide targeted support and information to those affected. An important part of the MHFA First Aid course is training in how to encourage people to seek professional help and actively use other resources.

The course is aimed at students who are involved in student councils.

Date: Sat., 11/30, 9 am - 4 pm and Sun., 12/01, 9 am - 4 pm
Location : Institute of Sports Science, Wilhelmstr. 124, Seminar room 1 (1st. floor) 
Language: German
Organizer: Student Health Management, Speaker: Stephania Laih
Registration: via the student councils

Mental Strength for Early Career Researchers

This workshop is open for PhD students and postdocs. The goal of the workshop is to help participants manage stress and challenges, build mental strength, and improve emotional balance. Participants will learn to identify stressors, overcome limiting beliefs, and apply practical techniques for emotional regulation. The workshop also supports personal growth and fosters a mindset for achieving career goals while enhancing everyday well-being.

Date: 27.11.2024, 9am - 7pm
Location: Online (Zoom) 
Language: English
Organizer: Graduate Academy, Speaker: Dr. Julia Schmidt

Mindfulness Session

Join us for a special mindfulness workshop! In this session, we’ll explore the power of mindfulness to help you de-stress, find balance, and be more present in your daily life. Whether you're new to mindfulness or have practiced before, this workshop will provide an open and supportive space to learn techniques that promote mental well-being. You can expect a calming atmosphere and activities designed to help you connect with yourself and others. The workshop will be held in English and is open to everyone, regardless of experience. Come with an open mind and be ready for a relaxing, refreshing experience. 

Date: Thu., 11/28, 7pm- 9pm // Postponed due to illness to 12/05/24
Location: Großer Kursraum Alte HNO (Silcherstraße 5) 
Language: English
Organizer: AK Mental Health & Awareness (FS Molecular Medicine)

Student-To-Student: Stress while studying

In this workshop, we would like to address the topics of learning stress and the particular challenges of science degree programmes. Older students will provide insights into their experiences with performance pressure, exam anxiety, perfectionism, procrastination and comparison with others. Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to discuss methods and strategies together in an open discussion round and learn about helpful resources at the university.
The workshop is primarily aimed at students in their 1st to 4th semester who are looking for support in dealing with these challenges.

Date: Wed., 12/04, 7-9pm
Location: Alte HNO, Silcherstraße 5 (Big Conference Room)
Language: German / English
Organizer: AK Mental Health & Awareness (FS Molekulare Medizin)

Take some time for study reflection

How am I actually doing in my studies right now? And what do I need to be able to continue well and in good health? 
This workshop is aimed at students who are in the middle of their studies and would like to reflect on their current study situation together with other students. The aim is to identify your own issues, unanswered questions and stress factors in order to develop new perspectives, motivation and a healthy path through your studies.

The event is open to students of all degree programs. Due to the workshop format, you should be open to trying out methods and exchanging ideas with other students. Unfortunately, it is not possible to hold the event in a hybrid format or to send the slides. We are happy to consider accessibility requirements. Please let us know when you receive your registration confirmation.

Date: Fri., 11/29, 9 am - 4 pm (english) or Tue., 12/03, 9 am - 4 pm (german)
Location: will be announced after registration
Language: German/ English
Organizer: Student Counseling Service, Career Service und Student Health Management 
Registration: until 11/25 per E-Mail an zsbspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Can literature be therapy? If so, how and what can it heal? Can writing be "cathartic"? How does literary writing differ from a therapeutic approach to writing? Is therapy an art like literature? What is behind so-called poetry therapy? In this workshop, we will use these questions to approach the healing power of writing in a theoretical and practical way. Using therapeutic writing exercises that include elements of mindfulness and group therapy practice, we will explore for ourselves the extent to which writing opens up the possibility of transforming life-historical experiences and conflicts through literature. In this sense, the workshop is also to be understood as a hybrid form of self-awareness between literature and therapy, which requires the necessary courage and a certain openness to enter into trusting contact with oneself and others.

The workshop can be credited with 3 ECTS as part of the key competencies (Certificate Studio Literature and Theater).

Our tip: On Friday, November 29 at 7 pm, the poet and psychologist Lisa Goldschmidt will read from her volume “Ursprünge”, published by Elif Verlag in 2023. The title is programmatic in that it intentionally captures all the deep layers of the poems: To create an archaeology of beginnings, of beginnings and founding myths. The existential “origins” in the form of a “second birth” merge seamlessly with those of language and speech as an indispensable symbolization of human existence. Moderation: Florian Mittelhammer. Venue: Hölderlinturm, Bursagasse 6. 

Date: Fri., 11/29, 2 - 6 pm and Sat., 11/30, 10 am - 5 pm
Location: Hölderlinturm, Bursagasse 6
Language: German
Organizer: Hölderlinturm, Studio Literatur und Theater, Speaker: Lisa Goldschmidt

Writing instead of procrastinating

Procrastination is a challenge that many of us have probably encountered when writing academic papers. It is often perceived as frustrating and stressful. In this workshop, we will talk about common writing experiences and work with different methods to deal with procrastination.  

Students and doctoral candidates of all semesters and all faculties are welcome. 

Date: Thu., 11/28, 6:15 - 7:45 pm 
Place: University Library, Seminar room in front of the Ammerbaubrücke (former PC pool)
Language: German
Organizer: Diversitätsorientiertes Schreibzentrum
Registration: not required

Virtual Reality Experience - Impression Depression

How do people with depression feel? What do the approximately 4.5 million people affected feel every day? What do the 10,000 or so people who take their own lives every year think? With a virtual reality experience, the Robert Enke Foundation wants to create understanding and educate those who are not affected. The experience consists of an introduction, the VR experience itself and a reflection in which thoughts are directed back to the positive. All accompanied by specialists.


Note: This offer is not suitable for people who are or have been affected by depression/suicidal thoughts. Registration is necessary.

Date: Sat., 11/30, 10 am to 5 pm
Location: University Sportshall, Alberstraße 27
Language: German
Organizer: Robert-Enke-Stiftung, Student Health Management 

Which relaxation method suits me?

PMR, autogenic training, meditation, breathing training - it's easy to get lost in the jungle of different relaxation methods. In this workshop, you will therefore learn the psychophysiological basics of the effects of stress on our body and our resting nerve, the parasympathetic nervous system. Following on from this, various relaxation techniques will be introduced and practiced in the group. You will find out which relaxation technique suits you best!

What to bring: Make sure you bring a mat, we will be lying down a lot (but not only)!

Date: Fri., 11/29, 11 am - 2 pm
Location: Alte HNO (Silcherstraße 5), Room 404
Language: German
Organizer: Student Health Management, Speaker: Dr. Anna Dubischar

Together we are strong - suicide prevention in everyday life

In this interactive workshop, we will address the sensitive topic of suicidal tendencies and how to deal with people in crisis. The workshop is aimed at anyone who wants to learn how to recognize signs of crisis and provide appropriate support to those affected.

Date: Wed., 11/27, 10 - 12 am (german) or Wed., 12/04, 2 - 4 pm (english)
Location: University Library, Seminar room in front of the Ammerbaubrücke (former PC pool)
Language: German/ English
Organizer: Youth-Life-Line, Speaker: Jana Krämer
Registration: not required


Health knowledge at a glance - finding reliable information

If you use the Internet for questions about health, you will find a wide range of information. But not all of it is comprehensive and accurate. So what constitutes good and reliable health information? And where can you find it? You can get answers to these questions in the University Library's online lecture!

Date: Wed, 11/27, 11 - 11:30 am or Mon., 12/02, 4 - 4:30 pm
Location: Online via Zoom Meeting-ID: 916 6341 9358, Code: 702863 (Contact: anja.schreiber@uni-tubingen.de)
Language: German
Organizer: University Library, Speaker: Anja Schreiber
Registration: not required

Golden Sleep - Charge the battery while sleeping

Restful sleep is an important pillar of our health. If you get enough sleep, you promote night-time regeneration and get through the day healthier and more productive. Too little sleep, on the other hand, leads to long-term health problems, increased susceptibility to stress, reduced concentration and a weakened immune system. In the lecture, you will find out which habits and behaviors in everyday life promote sleep and which in turn have a negative effect on sleep and night-time regeneration. In addition to general tips on improving sleep hygiene, specific recommendations for preventing sleep disorders and effective exercises to activate sleep will also be presented. 

Date: Wed., 11/27, 5 - 6 pm
Location: Online
Language: English
Organizer: Techniker Krankenkasse

Being good when it counts!

You know the feeling of nervousness and discomfort in performance situations such as exams, presentations or performances? A certain amount of tension is completely normal and can even have a motivating effect. But if the nervousness becomes too strong, it can impair your own performance. Instead of reaching our full potential, the tension and anxiety block us. In the worst case scenario, this can lead to a blackout and a complete breakdown in performance. It is therefore important to develop strategies to deal with these feelings and maximize your performance. In the lecture you will learn how performance anxiety arises, how you can improve your mental strength in performance situations, how self-acceptance and self-esteem can be increased by decoupling performance and what techniques and strategies there are for emotional regulation!

Date: Tue., 11/26, 6:15 - 7:45 pm
Location: Brechtbau: HS 037 
Language: German
Organizer: Studierendenwerk, Speaker: Dipl.-Psych. Dipl.-Päd. Stefan Balz
Registration: not required

Civil service in the mirror of (mental) illnesses?

Can I actually be employed as a teacher if I have health restrictions? Or if I have been undergoing psychotherapeutic treatment? We will answer these questions together with Dr. med. Schaal from the Reutlingen District Health Office (Medical Assessment Office and Public Medical Service) at an information event on medical examinations as part of the civil service process. The event is aimed at student teachers in all phases of their studies.

Note: Employees and other interested parties can also take part in the offer.

Date: Wed., 11/27, 4:30 - 6 pm
Location: Kuperbau: Hörsaal 22
Language: German
Organizer: Aline Christ (TüSE), Katrin Motta (ZSB)

Exchange, consulting & coaching

Active against stress - individual consultation

Do you suffer from stress, sleep problems, concentration difficulties or excitement and nervousness during exams? In the consultation hour, you will learn practical exercises tailored to your needs, such as relaxation and mindfulness exercises, which you can use to overcome everyday hurdles in your studies. The coaching is conducted by a qualified relaxation trainer. The coaching lasts approx. 30 minutes. The coaching slots must be booked online in advance.

Date: Thu., 11/28, 10 am - 4 pm
Location: Hölderlinturm (Conference room)
Language: German
Organizer: Student Health Management, Trainer: Jutta Wekenmann

Information booth

What mental health services are available at the University of Tübingen and the surrounding area? Which organizations and groups can I get involved with for mental health? Various experts from the field of mental health await you at the information exchange to explain what they have to offer.

Date: Mon., 11/25. 11 am - 3 pm
Location: Mensa Wilhelmstraße (Wilhelmstraße 15)
Language: German/English
Organizer: Student Health Management
Registration: not required

Mental Health Café

The StuRa's Mental Health Café welcomes all students to exchange ideas about mental health during their studies in a cozy atmosphere! Over a selection of snacks and drinks, you can get to know each other, network or simply get into a relaxed conversation. As a suggestion, we will initiate moderated discussion rounds and an impulse workshop on the topic of “freewriting”. We would also like to visualize all our worries and wishes with the help of a small art installation! All visitors to the Mental Health Café have the opportunity to participate in the creation of this installation.

Date: Tue., 11/26, or Fri., 11/29, or Tue., 12/03, each 1 - 4 pm
Location: Clubhaus, Wilhelmstraße 30 
Language: German/ English
Organizer: Studierendenrat 
Registration: not required

Mental health myths

This course aims to examine popular narratives about mental health that have little or no factual basis ('myths'), on the one hand, and how mental health is perceived and communicated in different cultures, on the other, in order to raise awareness of the topic as a whole as well as students' own mental wellbeing.
An input presentation is followed by group discussions in which the participants can and should also discuss communicative and cultural practices in their home countries.
The course concludes with possible contact points at the University of Tübingen so that students can quickly turn to the right institutions if they have questions or problems regarding mental health.

Date: Wed., 12/04, 4 - 6 pm
Location: Will be announced after registration 
Language: English
Organizer: Student Counseling Service
Registration: until 11/26 via E-Mail zsbspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 

Mental Health Networking for Student Counsils

As part of this event, we would like to bring together student councils to discuss strategies for improving the mental health of students. Whether you have already started projects, founded a working group or are simply interested in the topic - everyone is welcome!
The workshop is organised by the Mental Health and Awareness Working Group (FS MolMed). We would like to share with you our experiences of setting up our working group, the workshops we have organised and our collaboration with students.
We are especially looking forward to your experiences: Successes, challenges, ideas and other valuable insights that you bring with you.

Date: Wed., 11/27, 7-9pm 
Location: Alte HNO, Silcherstraße 5 (Big Conference Room) 
Language: German / English
Organizer: AK Mental Health & Awareness (FS Molekulare Medizin)


Restful sleep is an important pillar of health. It promotes nightly regeneration in order to stay healthy and productive throughout the day. Conversely, a lack of sleep significantly increases the health risk: in the long term, it leads to increased susceptibility to stress, reduced immune defenses, declining concentration and reduced performance. In coaching, typical influencing factors are analyzed in an interactive way and it is shown in which areas and with which - usually quite easy to implement - measures sleep health can be optimized.

Date: Mon., 12/02, 9am - 4pm 
Location: University Library, Seminar room in front of the Ammerbaubrücke (former PC-Pool)
Language: German
Organizer: Techniker Krankenkasse

What I've always wanted to clarify...

Do you have questions about your studies and how to organize your everyday life? The doors of the Central Student Advisory Service are open to you for one day! Simply drop by during opening hours without registering.

Date: Thu., 11/28, 10 - 12 am or 1 - 4 pm
Location: Student Counseling Service, Wilhelmstr. 19., (3rd. Floor)
Language: German/ English
Organizer: Student Counseling Service
Registration: not required

Panel discussions

Insights into everyday writing

As part of a moderated panel discussion, we, as a diversity-oriented writing center, want to contribute to addressing and normalizing writing difficulties with an open discussion between lecturers and students and thus reduce writing inhibitions. On the podium, experienced writers offer a look behind the scenes of their own academic writing and thus provide new suggestions for a healthy and reflective approach to their own writing.

You can find out which lecturers will be taking part on the Writing Center website in due course: https://uni-tuebingen.de/de/109835

Date: Tue., 11/26, 6:15 - 7:45 pm
Location: University Library, H232, (2nd. Floor)
Language: German
Organizer: Diversitätsorientiertes Schreibzentrum
Registration: not required

Mental health in teacher training and the teaching profession // CANCELLED

How do I deal with challenges during my teacher training and later in my teaching career and what keeps me mentally healthy? The Tübingen School of Education's symposium, which is aimed at student teachers in all phases of their studies, is dedicated to this question. The event will kick off with a lecture by Prof. Dr. Bärbel Wesselborg on the topic of “Resilience in teacher training and in the teaching profession - dealing with demands and resources”. The lecture will be followed by a panel discussion on the topic of “Mental health in teacher training and in the teaching profession - individual or institutional responsibility?”, in which we want a wide variety of stakeholders from educational practice to have their say, each with different perspectives.

Note: Employees and other interested parties can also take part in the offer.

Date: Mon., 12/02, 4:30 - 7:30 pm
Location: Alte Aula, Münzgasse 30
Language: German
Organizer: Tübingen School of Education 

Participation offers

Books-To-Go exhibition

In keeping with the Mental Health Days, the University Library is also focusing on mental health in November. Under the name “Books To Go”, you will be presented with an excerpt from the book collection that fits the theme. You can browse through the books and take them with you immediately if you like them - simply borrow them from the self-checkout machines.

Location: University Library
Language: German
Organizer: University Library 


Yoga in the library

What is better than a relaxing session during Lunch Break? Together we will get active with a yoga session directly at the University Library. Come by and join in!

Date: Wed., 12/04, 12:15 -1 pm 
Location: University Library 
Organizer: University Sports Center, Trainer: Dario Garcia 
Registration: not required (first come, first serve) 

Note: Please wear comfortable clothing. Mats will be provided. 


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