Social and Cultural Anthropology

Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) (Namibia)

GIZ works on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Namibia. As a service provider, GIZ supports the German government in achieving its goals in international cooperation and works on projects for sustainable development. GIZ's work in Namibia focuses on natural resource management, transport and economic development. In addition to programs and projects in these priority areas, GIZ advises projects in basic education and health (HIV/AIDS).

In Namibia, GIZ supports its partners with 21 seconded and 63 national employees. In addition, 23 development workers, 12 CIM experts and 27 weltwärts volunteers work in the partner organizations for sustainable development.


GIZ Office Namibia
Country director Thomas Kirsch
88, John Meinert Str.
Telefon: +264 61 222447
Fax: +264 61 222427
E-Mail: giz-namibiaspam