Equal Opportunities Officer Faculty of Science: Dr. Annette Denzinger; 07071-29-72958
Deputy: Prof. Dr. Katharina Foerster; 07071-29-78861
Management of equal opportunity funds: Nadine Thiem; +49-7071-29-72920
Alexander Sebek (Biology)
Lea Maurer (Biology)
Andreas Meier (Mathematics)
Julia Erdei (Mathematics)
Terms of office:
Irene GustOffice
+49 7071 29-74958
equityspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
Wilhelmstraße 19Raum 027, 028, 029, 031 und 033
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz72074 Tübingen
Directly to the representatives for diversity - qequality - family