Faculty of Science



Post-Doctoral Researcher in Ecology/Ecohydrology

The Plant Ecology Group at the University of Tübingen is searching for a Post-Doctoral Researcher in Ecology/Ecohydrology.

The Plant Ecology Group at the University of Tübingen is searching for a

Post-Doctoral Researcher in Ecology/Ecohydrology

The position is part of the interdisciplinary research consortium DRIeR, coordinated by the University of Freiburg, which addresses the ecological and societal impacts of extreme droughts in South-West Germany.

The role of the Post Doc in this project will be to utilize existing data and data from a recently established field drought experiment to develop and parameterize an ecohydrological simulation model. The model will address plant community structure and plant trait composition, incl. ecosystem service values, as a function of management, drought intensity, duration, and frequency. It shall be further expanded to connect to hydrological models within DRIeR with the goal of developing scenarios for vulnerability of biodiversity and ecosystem services to extreme drought. In addition to the modeling, the candidate is should continue an extensive ecological field experiment designed to investigate the impact of extreme droughts on European grasslands and forests.
We are seeking for an independent researcher with excellent knowledge in modeling ecological and/or hydrological systems on local to regional scales. In addition, the candidate should be familiar with conducting and analysing ecological field experiments and s/he should be willing to work in an interdisciplinary setting. The candidate should hold a Ph.D. in ecology, geoecology, hydroecology or in a related field. Furthermore, the candidate should have excellent writing and presentation skills. Knowledge of German is welcome but not essential.

The position will be paid according to the German pay scale E13 TV-L. It is scheduled for a period of three years, starting January 1st, 2018.

The University seeks to raise the number of women in research and teaching and therefore urges qualified female academics to apply for these positions.

Disabled candidates will be given preference over other equally qualified applicants.
Please send your application including a letter of interest, CV and a list of publications as a single pdf-file to Prof. Dr. Katja Tielbörger (vegetation@bot.uni-tuebingen.de) to whom also inquiries should be addressed. Please also make sure that two letters of reference will be sent to the above address independently.

The deadline for applications is October 1st, 2017, or until the position is filled.

<link file:422496 download file>PDF-Version.
