Faculty of Science

News aus der Fakultät


Merelo P, Xie Y, Brand l, Ott F, Weigel D, et al. (2013)

Genome-wide identification of KANAD1 target genes. PLoS ONE 8, e77341.

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Thursday, October 31 13:00 Uhr Hörsaal N11, Auf der Morgenstelle 3

"Regulation of plant potassium homeostasis by calcium-dependent networks.” Dirk Becker, …

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Gabriele Drechsel, André Kahles, Anil K. Kesarwani, Eva Stauffer, Jonas Behr, Philipp Drewe, Gunnar Rätsch and Andreas Wachter

Nonsense-Mediated Decay of Alternative Precursor mRNA Splicing Variants Is a Major Determinant of…

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Brand LH, Henneges C, Schüssler A, Kolukisaoglu HÜ, Koch G, Thurow K, Zell A, Harter K, Wanke D (2013).

High-throughput screening for protein-DNA interactions by automatable DPI-ELISA. PLoS ONE 8, e75177;…

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Thursday, 24 Ocober 13:00 Hörsaal N11, Auf der Morgenstelle 3

Lionel Navarro, Institut de Biologie de l’Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, Small RNA-directed…

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Monday, October 21st 10.30 a.m. lecture hall 7E02, Hörsaalzentrum

Prof. Dr. Brian Staskawicz, University of California, "Role of Pathogen Effectors in Plant Innate…

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Thursday, September 19 13:00 Uhr Hörsaal N11, Auf der Morgenstelle 3

"The expanding problems of membrane traffic and ion transport", Mike Blatt, University of Glasgow,…

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Trushko A, Schäffer E, Howard J. (2013).

The growth speed of microtubules with XMAP215-coated beads coupled to their ends is increased by…

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