Faculty of Science

News aus der Fakultät


Kami C, Hersch M, Trevisan M, Genoud T, Hiltbrunner A, Bergmann S, Fankhauser C (2012)

Nuclear phytochrome A signaling promotes phototropism in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24, 566-576.

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Park M, Touihri S, Müller I, Mayer U, Jürgens G (2012)

Sec1/Munc18 protein stabilizes fusion-competent syntaxin for membrane fusion in Arabidopsis…

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Bjerkan KN, Jung-Roméo S, Jürgens G, Genschik P, Grini PE (2012)

Arabidopsis WD repeat domain55 Interacts with DNA damaged binding protein1 and is required for…

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Rademacher EH, Lokerse AS, Schlereth A, Llavata-Peris CI, Bayer M, Kientz M, Freire Rios A, Borst JW, Lukowitz W, Jürgens G, Weijers D (2012)

Different auxin response machineries control distinct cell fates in the early plant embryo. Dev…

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Robinson DG, Pimpl P, Scheuring D, Stierhof YD, Sturm S, Viotti C (2012)

Trying to make sense of retromer. Trends Plant Sci Apr 11. [Epub ahead of print]

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Lau S, Slane D, Herud O, Kong J, Jürgens G (2012)

Early embryogenesis in flowering plants: setting up the basic body pattern. Annu Rev Plant Biol…

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Brunner F, Nürnberger T (2012)

Identification of immunogenic microbial patterns takes the fast lane. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109,…

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Gust AA, Willmann R, Desaki Y, Grabherr HM, Nürnberger T (2012)

Plant LysM proteins: modules mediating symbiosis and immunity. Trends Plant Sci. 2012 May 10.…

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