Werner Reichardt Centrum für Integrative Neurowissenschaften (CIN)

The CIN Board

The CIN has a flat organizational structure. This means that all important decisions are taken jointly by the congregation of all PIs. To have a central representative and scientific contact person, but also to enable fast reaction and implementation of communal or minor decisions, the full congregation elected a board consisting of five CIN members. It comprises the chairperson, the deputy chairperson, and three additional CIN scientists. Board meetings are generally open to all CIN members to foster constructive participation of everyone also beyond full congregation meetings of all CIN members.


Members of the CIN Board

Prof. Dr. Thomas Euler

Head of Research Group, Ophthalmic Research
Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience

Otfried-Müller-Str. 25, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
+49 (0)7071 29 85028
thomas.eulerspam prevention@cin.uni-tuebingen.de

Prof. Dr. Olga Garaschuk

Physiology of neural circuits
University of Tübingen

Keplerstraße 15, 72074 Tübingen, Germany
+49 (0)7071 29 73640
olga.garaschukspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Jun. Prof. Dr. Anna Levina (Martius)

Group Leader, Self-organization and Optimality in Neural Networks
University of Tübingen

Max-Planck-Ring 8, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
+49 7071 601 536
anna.levinaspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Prof. Dr. Andreas Bartels

Head of Research Group, Vision and Cognition
University of Tübingen

Otfried-Müller-Str. 25, 72076 Tübingen
+49 (0)7071 29 89168
andreas.bartelsspam prevention@cin.uni-tuebingen.de

Prof. Dr. Markus Siegel

Head of Research Group, Large-Scale Neuronal Interactions
Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience

Otfried-Müller-Str. 25, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
+49 (0)7071 29 81200 or 85297
markus.siegelspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de