Werner Reichardt Centrum für Integrative Neurowissenschaften (CIN)

News & Press

Here you can see all news and press releases of the past years concerning the CIN and its partners.


Press Release: 'Starting Grants' for Two Tübingen University Scientists

Steffen Katzner (Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience & BCCN Tübingen) has been…

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Press Release: The digital language of the brain

The universal language of the brain consists of electrical impulses called spikes. Each one of the…

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Press Release: The Cluster of Excellence CIN at the University of Tübingen is now fully established

Three and a half years ago, 30 million euros in funding was approved as part of the Excellence…

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Press Release: Communication in the mind

Optical illusions show: How we perceive things does not depend on our eyesight alone. Rather, our…

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Press Release: Perceptual Changes – a Key to our Consciousness

With his coat billowing behind him and his right eye tightly closed, Captain Blackbeard watches the…

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Press Release: What are aesthetic sensations?

With the first CIN Dialogue at the Interface of the Neurosciences and the Arts and Humanities, the…

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Press Release: Decoding brain performance

The topping-out ceremony for the new building for the "Werner Reichardt Center for Integrative…

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Press Release: Sight and Perception

All you see is a grey, round-edged piece of plastic sticking out from underneath the newspaper – yet…

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