Institut für Evolution und Ökologie

Benjamin Eggs

Doctoral student
  +49 7071 29 76796
  +49 7071 29 5150
room E2P13

Postal address
University of Tübingen
Institute of Evolution and Ecology
Auf der Morgenstelle 28
72076 Tübingen

Research Interests

  • Joint-free movements in insects: mechanisms observed in ovipositors and piercing-sucking mouthparts
  • Structure and function of the ovipositor of parasitoid Hymenoptera: actuation and mechanisms of terebra bending movements, and their potential eco-evolutionary significance


Short CV

Technical assistant (in representation)

Evolutionary Biology of Invertebrates, Institute of Evolution and Ecology, University of Tübingen

since 2015
Doctoral student

Transregional Collaborative Research Centre (SFB-TRR) 141 “Biological design and integrative structures”, Institute of Evolution and Ecology, University of Tübingen; thesis: “Joint-free movements in insects: actuation and steering mechanisms observed in ovipositors and piercing-sucking mouthparts, and their biomimetic potential” (supervision by Prof. Dr. Oliver Betz)

M.Sc. in Ecology and Evolution with Special Qualification in Animal Ecology and Conservation

Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern; thesis: ”Hunting without a web: how lycosoid spiders overwhelm their prey” (supervision by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nentwig, Dr. Lucia Kuhn-Nentwig and Dr. Jonas O. Wolff)

B.Sc. in Biology

University of Bern; thesis: “Herbivory in spiders: the importance of pollen for orb-weaving spiders” (supervision by Dr. Dirk Sanders)

Selected Publications

Eggs, B., Fischer, S., Csader, M., Mikó, I., Rack, A., Betz, O. (2023): Terebra steering in chalcidoid wasps. Frontiers in Zoology 20, 26.

Olmi, M., Eggs, B., Capradossi, L., van de Kamp, T., Perkovsky, E. E., Guglielmino, A., Vasilenko, D. V. (2022): A new species of Bocchus from upper Eocene Rovno amber (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 92, 257–272.

van de Kamp, T., Mikó, I., Staniczek, A. H., Eggs, B., Bajerlein, D., Faragó, T., Hagelstein, L., Hamann, E., Spiecker, R., Baumbach, T., Janšta, P., Krogmann, L. (2022): Evolution of flexible biting in hyperdiverse parasitoid wasps. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289(1967), 20212086.

Csader, M., Mayer, K., Betz, O., Fischer, S., Eggs, B. (2021): Ovipositor of the braconid wasp Habrobracon hebetor: structural and functional aspects. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 83, 73–99.

Tull, T., Henn, F., Betz, O., Eggs, B. (2020): Structure and function of the stylets of hematophagous Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), with special reference to Dipetalogaster maxima. Arthropod Structure & Development 52, 100952.

Eggs, B., Birkhold, A. I., Röhrle, O., Betz, O. (2018): Structure and function of the musculoskeletal ovipositor system of an ichneumonid wasp. BMC Zoology 3, 12.

Betz, O., Birkhold, A., Caliaro, M., Eggs, B., Mader, A., Knippers, J., Röhrle, O., Speck, O. (2016): Adaptive stiffness and joint-free kinematics: actively actuated rod-shaped structures in plants and animals and their biomimetic potential in architecture and engineering. In: Knippers J., Nickel K. G. and Speck T. (eds.), Biomimetic Research for Architecture and Building Construction: Biological Design and Integrative Structures (pp. 135–167), Biologically-Inspired Systems, vol. 8. Springer International Publishing.

Eggs, B., Wolff, J. O., Kuhn-Nentwig, L., Gorb, S. N., Nentwig, W. (2015): Hunting without a web: how lycosoid spiders subdue their prey. Ethology 121(12), 1166–1177.

Eggs, B., Sanders, D. (2013): Herbivory in spiders: the importance of pollen for orb-weavers. PLoS ONE 8(11), e82637.


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