Institut für Evolution und Ökologie

Dr. Margarita Yavorskaya

Assistant Professor
  +49 7071 29 74832
 +49 7071 29 5150
room E2P07

Postal address
University of Tübingen
Institute of Evolution and Ecology
Auf der Morgenstelle 28
72076 Tübingen

Research Interests

  • Evolution of size and shape of different arthropods and effects of miniaturization on their anatomy
  • Evolution of head structures and feeding preferences of beetle adults and larvae (Coleoptera)


Current projects

  • Evolution of cephalic structures in Coleoptera
  • Anatomy of the smallest free-living crustaceans (Chydoridae, Cladocera)


Methodological expertise

Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM)

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

Preparing of serial histological sections

3D reconstructions based on histological sections, as well as MicroCT- and CLSM-datasets



Zoology (Bio122)

Microscopic Imaging and 3D Reconstruction (Bio-3187)

Micro- & Macroevolution

Short CV

since 2020
Assistant Professor, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen

Department of Evolutionary Biology of Invertebrates

PostDoc, Ludwig Maximillian University Munich
Ph.D., Friedrich Schiller University Jena

“Evolution of head structures in Coleoptera with special emphasis on the feeding apparatus and miniaturized forms”

Diploma in Zoology, Biological faculty of Lomonosov State University

“Mouthparts of hooded beetles (Coleoptera: Corylophidae) with regards to miniaturization”

Selected Publications

Yavorskaya, M. I., Jałoszyński, P., & Beutel, R. G. (2023). A unique case of commensalism: The beaver beetle Platypsyllus castoris (Leiodidae, Coleoptera) and its morphological adaptations. Journal of Morphology, 284(1), e21532.

Schädel, M., Yavorskaya, M., & Beutel, R. (2022). The earliest beetle† Coleopsis archaica (Insecta: Coleoptera)–morphological re-eva luation using Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) and phylogenetic assessment. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny, 80, 495-510.

Beutel, R. G., Luo, X. Z., Yavorskaya, M. I., & Jałoszyński, P. (2021). Structural megadiversity in leaf litter predators-the head anatomy of Pselaphus heisei (Pselaphinae, Staphylinidae, Coleoptera). Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny, 79, 443-463.

Yavorskaya, M. I., Beutel, R. G., Farisenkov, S. E., Polilov, A. A. (2019). The locomotor apparatus of one of the smallest beetles–The thoracic skeletomuscular system of Nephanes titan (Coleoptera, Ptiliidae). Arthropod structure & development, 48, 71–82.

Yavorskaya, M.I., Hörnschemeyer, T., Beutel, R. G. (2018). The head morphology of Micromalthus debilis (Coleoptera: Micromalthidae) – an archostematan beetle with an un usual morphology and a unique life cycle. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 76(3): 475–486.

Yavorskaya, M.I., Beutel, R.G., Polilov, A. A. (2017). Head morphology of the smallest beetles (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae) and the evolution of sporophagy within Staphyliniformia. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 75(3): 417–434.


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