Institut für Evolution und Ökologie

BCF Screen

Development and publication of a BCF screening indicator.

The term bioaccumulation refers to the uptake of a substance from the environment and its accumulation in an organism. The bioaccumulation of a chemical is a decisive factor in ecotoxicology, since, given a certain toxicity of the ingested and accumulated substance, both the exposed organism itself and its predator above it in the food chain can be harmed via biomagnification. In principle, it is necessary to identify (very) persistent and (very) bioaccumulating substances in order to ensure a high level of protection for humans and the environment.

The aim of this project is to find properties or combinations of properties of organic substances that can be established as screening criteria for the detection of chemicals with a high bioaccumulation potential, which in the longer term can be integrated into the regulatory system and here replace the so far only used and for e.g. ionisable chemicals hardly relevant parameter logKow. The topic is being worked on in close cooperation with the German Federal Environment Agency, which is also funding the study.

Project period: 25.08.2022 - 31.01.2024


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