Guuroh, R.T., Ruppert, J.C., Ferner, F., Čanak, K., Schmidtlein, S. & A. Linstädter. 2018. Drivers of forage provision and erosion control in West African savannas — A macroecological perspective. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 251: 257-267.
Oomen, R.J., Linstädter, A., Ruppert, J.C., Brüser, K., Schellberg, J. & F. Ewert. 2016. Effect of Management on Rangeland Phytomass, Cover and Condition in Two Biomes in South Africa. African Journal of Range & Forage Science 33(3): 185-198.
Ruppert, J.C., Harmoney, K., Henkin, Z., Snyman, H.A., Sternberg, M., Willms, W., & A. Linstädter. 2015. Quantifying drylands’ drought resistance and recovery: The importance of drought intensity, dominant life history and grazing regime. Global Change Biology 21(3): 1258-1270. [Download]
Linstädter, A., Schellberg, J., Brüser, K., Moreno-García, C., Oomen, R.J., du Preez, C., Ruppert, J.C. & F. Ewert. 2014. Are There Consistent Grazing Indicators in Drylands? Testing Plant Functional Types of Various Complexity in South Africa’s Grassland and Savanna Biomes. PLoS ONE 9(8): e104672. (Open Access)
Ruppert, J.C. & A. Linstädter. 2014. Convergence between ANPP estimation methods in grasslands - a practical solution to the comparability dilemma. Ecological Indicators, 36:524-531. [Download PrePrint]
Brüser, K., Feilhauer, H., Schellberg, J., Linstädter, A., Oomen, R.J., Ruppert, J.C. & F. Ewert. 2014. Discrimination and Characterization of Management Systems in semi-arid Rangelands of South Africa using RapidEye Time Series. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35:1653-1673.
Moreno García, C.A., Schellberg, J., Ewert, F., Brüser, K., Canales-Prati, P., Linstädter, A., Oomen, R.J., Ruppert, J.C. & S.B. Perelman. 2014. Response of community-aggregated plant functional traits along grazing gradients: insights from African semi-arid grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science, 17:470-481.
Moreno García, C.A., Schellberg, J., Ewert, F., Linstädter, A., Ruppert, J.C., Perelman, SB. 2013. Functional Responses of South African Rangelands in Contrasting Tenure Systems. Conference Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Congress, 15th - 19th September 2013, Sydney, Australia. [Download Proceedings]
Ruppert, J.C., Holm, A., Miehe, S., Muldavin, E., Snyman, H.A., Wesche, K., Linstädter, A. 2012. Meta-analysis of rain-use efficiency confirms indicative value for degradation and supports non-linear response along precipitation gradients. Journal of Vegetation Science 23(6): 1035-1050. [Download PrePrint]