Dr. Timon Höfer
15.11.2019 - 31.10.2023
PhD student at the Department of Cognitive Systems, University of Tübingen
2016 - 2019
MSc in Mathematics, University of Tuebingen
2013 - 2016
BSc in Mathematics, University of Tuebingen
Research Interests
- Machine Learning
- Deep Neural Networks
- Computer Vision
- 6D pose estimation
- 2D object detection
- Assignments class: Mathematics for natural scientists (Winter semester 2015)
- Assignments class: Analysis 1 (Winter semester 2016)
- Assignments class: Probability Theory (Summer semester 2018)
- Assignments class: Introduction to neural networks (Summer semester 2020)
- Assignments class: Introduction to technical computer science (Winter semester 2020)
- Assignments class: Introduction to neural networks (Summer semester 2021)
- Assignments class: Deep Neural Networks (Winter semester 2021)
- Teamproject: A Web-Platform for Turn-based Games (Summer semester 2022)
- Proseminar: Common Techniques in Machine Learning (Winter Semester 2022)
Project Work
2019 - 2021 iBinPick: 6D pose estimation of industrial objects for the task of bin picking using RGB-D sensors
2021 - 2023 SafeAI: Human detection in fields and urban scenarios using Lidar/ RGB-D sensors
Supervised Theses
2020 | Bachelor thesis | Creating a synthetic dataset for 6D pose estimation |
2021 | Bachelor thesis | Machine Learning for 6D pose estimation |
2021 | Bachelor thesis | Extending Mask R-CNN to 6D pose estimation |
Zeitumkehr bestimmter Sprung-Diffusionsprozesse mit Anwendung in der mathematischen Populationsgenetik
Master's thesis, University of Tübingen, 2019
Verzweigungsprozesse Theta - gebrochen linearer erzeugender Funktion
Bachelor's thesis, University of Tübingen, 2016
[1] | Benjamin Kiefer, ... , Timon Höfer et al. 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challenge Results. (2022, accepted for publication at WACVW 2023) [arxiv, cvf] |
[2] | Timon Höfer et al. "HyperPosePDF: Predicting the Probability Distribution on SO(3)". In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023, pp. 2369-2379 [cvf] |
[3] | Timon Höfer et al. "Automatic Adjustment of Fourier Embedding Parameterizations". In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (2022, ICPR) [ieee] |
[4] | Hamd Riaz, Nuri Benbarka, Timon Höfer and Andreas Zell. "FourierMask:Instance Segmentation using Fourier Mapping in implicit Neural Networks". In Proceedings of the International Conference: Image Analysis and Processing (2022, ICIAP) [springer, arxiv] |
[5] | Nuri Benbarka*, Timon Höfer* (equal contribution), Hamd Riaz and Andreas Zell. “Seeing Implicit Neural Representations as Fourier series”. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (2022, WACV). [arxiv , cvf , ieee] |
[6] | Timon Höfer et al. “Object detection and Autoencoder-based 6D pose estimation for highly cluttered Bin Picking". In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (2021 ICIP) [arxiv , ieee] |